TIGER, or the 'tiger' scripts, is a set of Bourne shell scripts, C programs and data files which are used to perform a security audit of different operating systems. The tools can be both run altogether once to generate an audit report of the system and they can also be run periodically to provide information on changes to the system's security once a security baseline has been defined. Consequently, they can be used also as a host intrusion detection mechanism.
The tools rely on specialised external security tools for some of the tasks. The periodic review mechanism relies on the use of the cron task scheduler and an email delivery system.
TIGER has one primary goal: report ways the system's security can be compromised.
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There are no reported vulnerabilities
30 Day SummaryJul 8 2023 — Aug 7 2023
12 Month SummaryAug 7 2022 — Aug 7 2023