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Analyzed 11 months ago. based on code collected 12 months ago.
Posted over 12 years ago by Daniel DiPaolo
It's been a long time coming, but we finally did it. A new release is out with various bugs fixed and general cleanup. Some big changes are a re-written Google plugin that doesn't rely on the old SOAP API and compatibility with Python 2.6.
Posted over 12 years ago by Daniel DiPaolo
We've just finished importing our entire source history into git. Now that the entire history is in git, the CVS (whose history hadn't been included in our Darcs or SVN repos) and the SVN repositories have been disabled. Getting 0.83.4 out the door, to fix Python2.6 compatibility and a few other issue, is our next priority.
Posted over 12 years ago by Daniel DiPaolo
When I first transitioned the repository from svn to git, there was some duplicate history that I didn't notice for a while. I finally got tired of having that around, and removed that from the repo. While I was mucking around, I decided to rename ... [More] the tags so they start with 'v' (as is common practice) and adjust the emails of people that have made commits to use their users.sourceforge.net email where appropriate. What this means is that you'll want to do a clone of the new git repository (same origin as before) since you won't be able to fast-forward from the old one. The old repository is still available, for the time being, at git://supybot.git.sourceforge.net/gitroot/supybot/supybot.old [Less]
Posted over 12 years ago by Daniel DiPaolo
Quick bug-fix release to fix a couple issues that snuck in while preparing 0.83.4.
Posted over 12 years ago by Daniel DiPaolo
Yes, we finally got around to it. A new version of Supybot has been released which should fix the woes any of you Python 2.5 users were having as well as a few other bugs that were found. The next release should include support for using recent versions of SQLite via dbapi2-compatible modules (pysqlite2 and Python 2.5's builtin sqlite support).
Posted over 12 years ago by Daniel DiPaolo
Quick bug-fix release to fix a couple issues that snuck in while preparing 0.83.4.
Posted over 12 years ago by Daniel DiPaolo
It's been a long time coming, but we finally did it. A new release is out with various bugs fixed and general cleanup. Some big changes are a re-written Google plugin that doesn't rely on the old SOAP API and compatibility with Python 2.6.
Posted over 12 years ago by Daniel DiPaolo
When I first transitioned the repository from svn to git, there was some duplicate history that I didn't notice for a while. I finally got tired of having that around, and removed that from the repo. While I was mucking around, I decided to rename ... [More] the tags so they start with 'v' (as is common practice) and adjust the emails of people that have made commits to use their users.sourceforge.net email where appropriate. What this means is that you'll want to do a clone of the new git repository (same origin as before) since you won't be able to fast-forward from the old one. The old repository is still available, for the time being, at git://supybot.git.sourceforge.net/gitroot/supybot/supybot.old [Less]
Posted over 12 years ago by Daniel DiPaolo
We've just finished importing our entire source history into git. Now that the entire history is in git, the CVS (whose history hadn't been included in our Darcs or SVN repos) and the SVN repositories have been disabled. Getting 0.83.4 out the door, to fix Python2.6 compatibility and a few other issue, is our next priority.
Posted over 12 years ago by Daniel DiPaolo
Yes, we finally got around to it. A new version of Supybot has been released which should fix the woes any of you Python 2.5 users were having as well as a few other bugs that were found. The next release should include support for using recent versions of SQLite via dbapi2-compatible modules (pysqlite2 and Python 2.5's builtin sqlite support).