Contributes to GIMP
Contributes to Pidgin IM (ex-Gaim)
Contributes to Wine
and 314 other projectsContributes to Git
Contributes to Linux Kernel
Contributes to Debian
and 1 other projectsContributes to Smartmontools - S.M.A.R.T. Disk Monitoring Tools as brevilo
Contributes to Linux Kernel
Contributes to QGit
Contributes to MediaWiki
Contributes to phpBB Forum Software
Contributes to Checkstyle as Michael Keppler
and 109 other projectsContributes to Symfony as Simon Heimberg
Contributes to Doctrine
Contributes to Widelands as Simon Heimberg
and 18 other projectsContributes to Perl as Slaven Rezic
Contributes to CPAN
Contributes to BBBike
and 15 other projectsContributes to Stellarium
Contributes to KDE as Marcos CARDINOT
Contributes to KStars as Marcos CARDINOT
and 11 other projectsContributes to Stellarium
Contributes to KDE
Contributes to KStars
and 12 other projectsContributes to freesteam as jdpipe
Contributes to Fedora Packages
Contributes to CUnit as jdpipe
and 3 other projectsContributes to IPython as vds2212
Contributes to Console-devel
Contributes to batchtest