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Analyzed about 1 year ago. based on code collected about 1 year ago.
Jan 16, 2023 — Jan 16, 2024
Commit Message Contributor Files Modified Lines Added Lines Removed Code Location Date
Adding Map Task. Map Tasks allow you to draw a shape (like a room layout, or basic map for a town / continent) for your projects. Adding MapImage struct for this purpose; it represents a map image (duh). Adding MessageThemeChange to have Map Tasks update their textures when the project's theme changes. Adding global Task Transparency. Adding max size to Task, as Maps cannot exceed that size. Dark Crimson note color altered to be visually distinct from other colors. Moving color adding code from Task.go to Common.go. Line Task now draws early to draw on top of Maps. The arrowhead of Line Tasks that lie on other Tasks turn into points instead. Adding GUI icons. FIX: Image resizing squares only get doubled in size to improve "grabability" if at least 32x32. FIX: Tasks now cannot be resized by clicking on them when unselected in the resizing area. Previously, you could grab an unselected Task and instantly trigger resizing because the Task's update() process happened directly after the selection message was sent. Now messages are sent after Tasks are updated and drawn. More... over 4 years ago
Making TaskType Spinner larger. More... over 4 years ago
Rewording Task edit panel text. More... over 4 years ago
Change to when Panel's RenderTexture updates. More... over 4 years ago
FIX: Pasting Tasks now centers on the cursor. More... over 4 years ago
Working on GUI - adding panels. Panels serve to contain GUI elements. GUI elements are rendered to a texture owned by the Panel. Adding Button, Label, and Panel GUI elements. Spinner GUI elements can now be clicked in the center to open a menu showing their options, as well as display them in a grid, rather than a single column. Spinner GUI elements can now be opened upwards, rather than just downwards. Adding prioritizedGUIElement singleton to not have buttons be clickable when Spinner menus are open, for example. Getting rid of SettingsColumns, as the Panel's columns replace those previous columns. Overdue Tasks now display how much they're overdue by. Rearranging project settings. You can now click outside panels to close them. FIX: Mouse inputs can now be consumed by using the custom-made MousePressed() / Down() / Released() functions. This fixes situations where you, for example, click on a GUI element and the click runs down to the next GUI element down. FIX: Only completable Tasks should display their due date. FIX: DrawTextColored should be locked to integers to display cleanly. More... over 4 years ago
FIX: Alarm sound not playing correctly sometimes. (I wasn't using GetPath(); this will cause problems.) More... over 4 years ago
Adding option to disable message log. Rearranging where the board names are saved. Fixing manual plan's camera position. More... over 4 years ago
Update manual to talk about image scaling. More... over 4 years ago
Fix: Board names aren't being saved. More... over 4 years ago
FIX: Build script no longer includes "build_script" in itch channel. More... over 4 years ago
Changelog fix. More... over 4 years ago
Updating changelog. v0.4.0 Release! More... over 4 years ago
Removing old splash screen blend file. More... over 4 years ago
Replacing Splashscreen with new one. Fix: Splashscreen could be any size, not just 1920x1080. More... over 4 years ago
Undo/redo fixes. Fixes for line endings not being able to be undone properly (this is fixed by not capturing the creation of the ending, and creating it when necessary on Task Open or Task Close). Undo buffer only updates when not editing a Task. Renaming Task.IsComplete() > Task.Complete(). Adding Task.ValidLineEndings() because line endings could be deleted (but then undone). More... over 4 years ago
Update Appveyor build. More... over 4 years ago
Adding undo / redo. FINALLY. Capturing states using a new UndoBuffer - the Capture() function creates a new UndoState to add to the buffer if it's unique (hasn't been captured in the current or previous undo step). Tasks no longer are deleted like before; - this is done because they could be restored. Now they're only deleted when the last UndoState they're used in is deleted from the UndoBuffer. HOPEFULLY THIS DOESN'T COME BACK TO BITE ME. Adding an UndoBuffer for each Board. Adding undoState.go. common.LockPositionToGrid is now locked to Vector2. Rearranging how the project settings are arranged. Changing version to 0.4.0. Fix: Cloned Tasks have unique IDs. Fix: Right clicking when project settings is open closes the menu. Fix: NumberSpinner is positioned properly (or just more correctly) in settings menu. Renaming Project.GetFirstFreeID() > FirstFreeID(). Whew. More... over 4 years ago
Fix: Can't select Sound files. File filter was set up incorrectly for Sound resources. More... over 4 years ago
Migrating theme autoreload to program settings. More... over 4 years ago
Serialization of Tasks / Projects improved. Now they are serialized and deserialized using tidwall/gjson and tidwall/sjson to get and set values from JSON strings. It seems that this is faster in operation, as well as simpler in the long run as it simplifies the code used to deserialize a plan. This was also done for groundwork for undo and redo, as it might work by storing serialized versions of Tasks for undo states - making sure it's consistent (as JSON decoding returns numbers as float64, but a serialized map[string]interface{} can contain other numbers as interfaces) is important. FIX: Project SampleRate isn't loaded properly. Previously, it was string(44100). That doesn't work, as it returns the 44100th unicode character. This is now fixed by getting the number as a string directly. Updating plan. More... over 4 years ago
Merge pull request #25 from DanielKilgallon/master More... over 4 years ago
FIX: Crash on selecting foreign characters. This was caused by multi-byte character runes (like "ß") being miscounted by the number of bytes that represent those runes. This is fined by Textbox.Lines() returning a slice of rune slices ([][]rune) instead of a slice of strings ([]string), which we then iterate over individually. This also fixes click and dragging to select text being misaligned when using multi-byte characters. Fix: Clicking to select text is misaligned. We move the margins used to draw the text up and use it when getting the nearest character from the chosen position. Textbox.SelectedRange is now bounded to the size of the text, but not capping it when below 0, as that is valid to indicate nothing is selected. Crash log now shows a few more lines. More... over 4 years ago
fixed ldflags More... over 4 years ago
- Redirecting log, os.Stderr and os.Stdout to a file so that errors and crashes can be sent to me by reference. Crashes are handled by using defer() and recover() to recover out of an unexpected crash or a panic(), and then using runtime.Caller() to get the stacktrace. - Adding releaseMode, a global variable that indicates whether we're running a build or running the go run command. This property is now baked into the executable using LDFLAGS in the build script. - Fix: Image file filters were wrong; they need "*." as well to work properly. More... over 4 years ago
Adding automatic backups. Automatic backups happen every X minutes, configurable by the user. MP will automatically delete the oldest backups that exceed the maximum count. Removing Project.RootPath - never used it. Progression completion current and max can't go below 0. More... over 4 years ago
Remove options arg from NewNumberSpinner(). Unused. More... over 4 years ago
MP no longer asks for project directory on save. Now it asks for the project file name itself, sensibly. To do this, I'm replacing gen2brain/dlgs with ncruces/zenity for spawning dialogs. Removing OverwritePlanPopup - no longer necessary. FIX: If the last loaded project doesn't exist, MP no longer crashes. FIX: Messages logged are clearer and easier to read with indentations and dashes ("-"). FIX: Errors for failures when loading projects are no longer displayed (and logged) twice. FIX: Message logging now works correctly with multiple lines per message (\n). Rewording readme a bit. Tidying go.mod. More... over 4 years ago
Zip / Tar build output. I'm doing this because Appveyor doesn't respect the permission bit when zipping up artifacts. So, the build script can now compress the output with -c using mholt/archiver. Publish to itch now looks for .tar.gz or .zip files in the build_script folder as targets to push to itch. Appveyor now builds only master. Build_script being reworked to use flags. Adding mholt/archiver as a dependency. More... over 4 years ago
v0.3.1 Hotfix: Fix can't load project. Updating version everywhere. More... over 4 years ago