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Commits : Listings

Analyzed about 1 year ago. based on code collected about 1 year ago.
Jan 16, 2023 — Jan 16, 2024
Commit Message Contributor Files Modified Lines Added Lines Removed Code Location Date
FIX: Double-clicking errors. It was previously possible to double-click to edit or create a Task right out of editing a Task or changing Project Settings. This has been fixed. More... over 4 years ago
Remove FPS cap. Instead, MasterPlan will be tied to Vsync for timing; this seems to keep the CPU from using busy wait loop idling (see raylib's issue #217), lowering CPU requirements. Making GetFrameTime() have a higher tolerance just in case of outliers. More... over 4 years ago
Lines now have outlines. More... over 4 years ago
Updating raylib. Raymath has moved to raylib's package. More... over 4 years ago
Updating changelog. More... over 4 years ago
FIX: Images weren't loading with proper size. Task.LoadResource no longer requires forceLoad argument. More... over 4 years ago
FIX: Loading resources had working dir as root. More... over 4 years ago
Updating version number, changelog. v0.5.1 update! More... over 4 years ago
Project lock is undone when setting's unchecked. Before, it was only done when the settings panel was closed. Slight text update to help plan. More... over 4 years ago
FIX: Shifting new Map Task crashes MP. This is because MapImage is nil until the Task is closed, where it gets initialized. FIX: HandleCamera() moved lower in the project.Update function to not have a motion sickness-inducing effect when panning as the Task movements are behind by a frame. Adding a grid and a placement indicator to editing MapImages. Rounding off MapImage grid cells. More... over 4 years ago
FIX: Backups aren't being made on Windows. This is because filenames on Windows can't have ":" in them, among other characters, so I'm replacing ":" with "." for the timestamp. Also getting rid of the seconds place because there's no real reason to have it. More... over 4 years ago
Updating build script. Just the platform name suffices, as itch automatically adds the project name ("MasterPlan") to the beginning of the zips if you upload a folder. More... over 4 years ago
Fixes for 0.5.0. FIX: Resizing Map can go under minimum size. FIX: MapImage size can go over data bounds when resizing. FIX: Panel window can no longer go offscreen by changing the program window size. FIX: MapImage loading was loading an underlying data array locked to what was saved, rather than the original 32x32 maximum size. Slightly changing changelog text. More... over 4 years ago
Updating changelog, program version to 0.5.0. Release time! More... over 4 years ago
Tweaking manual. More... over 4 years ago
Fixing Sunlight theme to have a brighter blue. More... over 4 years ago
Editing Panel now is consistent between Tasks. Project Settings Panel also stays consistently in a single place between open and close. If an item in a PanelColumn lacks a label, it will use the entirety of the space now. Adding improved checkbox icon. Spacing out the Description and FilePath textboxes to be on their own line and wider in the Task Editing Panel. Adding buttons to shift MapImage data. FIX: Can't edit MapImage while its Task is being edited. FIX: Panel slides offscreen when expanding (this was caused by using panel.Rect.Height instead of panel.OriginalHeight). Renaming Panel.Name > Panel.Label. Fixing Golden Hour theme inside panel color to be slightly more contrasting. Updating manual. More... over 4 years ago
Update appveyor.yml to update Linux image. This resolves the build failing due to being unable to fetch archives from an official Ubuntu archive repo (maybe the repository IP changed between when the image was created and nowadays). More... over 4 years ago
Panels can now be dragged. Adding the ability to hide mouse events. FIX: Name from other Task types displays on Map. More... over 4 years ago
Updating help manual. More... over 4 years ago
FIX: Images loading initially at 16x16. This is because the image display size is set to 0x0 when the task type is set, even before closing the editing dialog. More... over 4 years ago
Use macos-mojave as build source on appveyor. Previously used the macos image, implicity making MP require macOS 10.15. This should bump it down to 10.14. More... over 4 years ago
Image / Sound Tasks now have relative paths. This is done by saving the paths in a relative, OS-agnostic state when serialized and deserializing them to be the absolute path to the resource. This way, you can share plans across computers, or even OSes, and expect it to work as long as the resources are in the same relative locations. FIX: Resizeable Tasks get stuck resizing if not released over overview window. Adding WorkingDirectory() function. More... over 4 years ago
FIX: Alarm playback wasn't resampled. More... over 4 years ago
Reworking MapImage.Data serialization. Task should serialize just the used part of MapImage Data. More... over 4 years ago
FIX: Undo after load destroys Line Tasks. The solution to this is to make it so that the undobuffer only turns on after fully loading the project, and Tasks only turn it back on after doing cerrtain things if it was previously on. FIX: Map image corrupts sometimes on project unload. This is caused by unloading the rendertexture on Task Destroy; this seems like it shouldn't be a problem normally, but I must be misusing it, because it is. More... over 4 years ago
Work on manual. More... over 4 years ago
FIX: Consume input after double-click on Task. More... over 4 years ago
Rewording project lock text at top-right. More... over 4 years ago
Improving manual information. More... over 4 years ago