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Posted over 5 years ago by ജോയ്‌സ് മൂലേക്കരി
This was originally written by Kavya Manohar and published at kavyamanohar.com.It was during my undergraduate course, I was awestruck by the idea that Information is quantifiable. Until then information for me was an abstract term. It still would have been, if not in the realm of information storage,
Posted over 5 years ago by ജോയ്‌സ് മൂലേക്കരി
This was originally written by Rajeesh KV and published at Soliloquies. The Fedora package smc-fonts has a set of Malayalam fonts (AnjaliOldLipi, Kalyani, Meera, Rachana, RaghuMalayalamSans and Suruma) maintained by SMC. We used to package all these fonts as a single zip file hosted at https://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/
Posted over 5 years ago by Alfas Esty
Markov Chain Based Word PredictionWord Prediction in actionSanthosh Thottingal designed and developed Word prediction generation algorithm  for Malayalam.  A Web interface is up for experiments. The algorithm is based on Markov Chain probability model and uses SMC Malayalam corpus. Further details can be find from technical documentation and
Posted over 5 years ago by Santhosh Thottingal
This was originally written by Santhosh Thottingal and published at Thottingal.in.I have been trying to generate a Markov chain for Malayalam content. A  Markov chain is a stochastic model describing a sequence of possible  events in which the probability of each event depends only on the state  attained
Posted over 5 years ago by ജോയ്സ് മൂലേക്കരി
Panchayat Wiki WorkshopsWorkshop participants in front of KILA, ThrissurPanchayat Wiki is a documentation project to avail Kerala Gram Panchayat related Acts, rules and forms to public and Panchayat employees alike. This project was initiated by Jaisen Nedumpala. SMC and Wikipedia volunteers Manoj Karingamadathil, Renjith Siji lead sessions. As
Posted over 5 years ago by ജോയ്സ് മൂലേക്കരി
Panchayat Wiki WorkshopsWorkshop participants in front of KILA, ThrissurPanchayat Wiki is a documentation project to avail Kerala Gram Panchayat related Acts, rules and forms to public and Panchayat employees alike. This project was initiated by Jaisen Nedumpala. SMC and Wikipedia volunteers Manoj Karingamadathil, Renjith Siji lead sessions. As
Posted almost 6 years ago by Alfas Esty
Common Voice for Malayalam Mozilla Common Voice is a crowd sourcing platform for audio dataset in various languages. This month, we brought Malayalam into Mozilla common voice. Anish Sheela put his efforts to realize common voice for Malayalam. Initially, Common Voice website localized. Now, public domain sentences are being collected
Posted almost 6 years ago by ജോയ്സ് മൂലേക്കരി
ആന്‍ഡ്രോയ്ഡില്‍ അധിഷ്ടിതമായ ഉപകരണങ്ങളില്‍, സ്വതന്ത്ര മലയാളം കമ്പ്യൂട്ടിങ് പുറത്തിറക്കിയ സമഗ്ര ലിപി ഫോണ്ടുക​ള്‍ ഉള്‍പ്പടെയുള്ള ഫോണ്ടുകള്‍ ഇന്‍സ്റ്റാള്‍ ചെയ്യാം.
Posted almost 6 years ago by Alfas Esty
MOSS Award for Indic KeyboardMany keyboard apps are developed based on Indic Keyboard.Indic Keyboard - Free/libre, privacy aware keyboard for android devices which supports 23 Indic family of languages and 57 layouts - has been awarded the prestigious Mozilla Open Source Support (MOSS) award. “Traditionally,  free and
Posted almost 6 years ago by ജോയ്സ് മൂലേക്കരി
This was originally written by Rajeesh KV and published at Soliloquies. I have worked to make sure that fonts maintained at SMC work with mlym (Pango/Qt4/Windows XP era) opentype specification as well as mlm2 (Harfbuzz/Windows Vista+ era) specification, in the same font. These  have also been tested