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Posted about 4 years ago by ജോയ്‌സ് മൂലേക്കരി
The year 2020 was in many ways a year of incremental updates. We pushed the envelope of knowledge a little, but in many directions. We continued to uphold our commitment to freedom of speech and democracy and stood with like minded organizations in support of causes that sought to better
Posted about 4 years ago by അല്‍ഫാസ് എസ് റ്റി
Govt. Stepped Back on 118AMalayalam OCRSanthosh Thottingal optimized OCR for Malayalam and released for public use. There were many attempts to build Malayalam OCR. Akshara OCR from SMC by Praveen Areembrathodiyil, Nayana by CDAC, Pottan OCR by Harish are few among them.This Privacy aware web browser based
Posted about 4 years ago by അല്‍ഫാസ് എസ് റ്റി
Govt. Stepped Back on 118AMalayalam OCRSanthosh Thottingal optimized OCR for Malayalam and released for public use. There were many attempts to build Malayalam OCR. Akshara OCR from SMC by Praveen Areembrathodiyil, Nayana by CDAC, Pottan OCR by Harish are few among them.This Privacy aware web browser based
Posted about 4 years ago by ജോയ്‌സ് മൂലേക്കരി
സുഹൃത്തുക്കളേ,സ്വതന്ത്രമലയാളംകമ്പ്യൂട്ടിങിന്റെ ഡിജിറ്റൽ സാക്ഷരതാ പദ്ധതിയ്ക്ക് ഈ ലോകമാതൃഭാഷാദിനത്തിൽ (ഫെബ്രുവരി 21ന്) വൈകുന്നേ
Posted about 4 years ago by Anivar Aravind
വ്യക്തിഗതമല്ലാത്ത ഏതു ഡാറ്റയും നോൺ-പേഴ്സണൽ ഡാറ്റ (എൻ.പി.ഡി) എന്ന ഗണത്തിൽപ്പെടുപെടുമെന്നാണ് ഇന്ത്യൻ ഗവണ്മെന്റിന്റെ നിർദ്ദേശിത നോൺ-പേഴ്സണൽ ഡാറ്റ ചട്ടക്കൂട് പറയുന്നത്.
Posted over 4 years ago by അല്‍ഫാസ് എസ് റ്റി
Foreign Word Detection in mlmorphPython library for Malayalam morphological analyzer -  mlmorph released version 1.2.2 with foreign-language word detection. It is tricky to identify words transliterated to Malayalam from a foreign language. Even though Pattern matching approach we employed to detect foreign-language words does not guarantee a
Posted over 4 years ago by Swathanthra Malayalam Computing
TL;DRClarifying SMC's 15+ years of work in Rachana's 20 years of existence in the context of sustained misinformation. Further development of Rachana, Meera, Keraleeyam, Uroob and Meera Inimai fonts are on hold until the issues resolves amicablySwathanthra Malayalam Computing is a community organization that has been around
Posted over 4 years ago by Santhosh Thottingal
The test corpus for Malayalam Morphological analysis has many foreign words. They are either written in a non-Malayalam script or written in Malayalam. For example, “ഇലക്ട്രിസിറ്റി”, “ഡോക്സ്”, “ഇന്റർമീഡിയറ്റ്”, “അബ്സ്ട്രാക്റ്റ്”, “ഇല്ലസ്ടേഷൻ”
Posted over 4 years ago by Swathanthra Malayalam Computing
SMC's statement in reference to the press release dated 21st October 2020, regarding the amendment to the Kerala Police Act, 2011
Posted over 4 years ago by അല്‍ഫാസ് എസ് റ്റി
Malayalam English Machine Translation SystemSanthosh Thottingal released an experimental English-Malayalam translation tool. The system uses OPUS MT language models along with HuggingFace transformers.What is A Good Input Method?Santhosh Thottingal ... [More] wrote a comprehensive analysis and comparison of input methods available for Malayalam.Improving Malayalam Handwriting RecognitionSanthosh Thottingal [Less]