about 13 years
Okay, Slic3r was born in September and in a few months I was able to bring it beyond what I expected, in terms of features, speed and stability. Things have started to change very quickly, and community is playing a big role in testing and discussing
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new features.
A Slic3r forum was created in the official RepRap forums. Also, about 50 people sit in the FreeNode IRC #slic3r channel.
Some notable things appeared in the web recently. Neil Underwood (well known as Spacexula) posted pictures and a video of a print he did on the official RepRap blog. The first outstanding thing is that he reached a 0.01mm layer height. The second outstanding thing is that he used Slic3r!
Richard H. (well known as Richrap) is posting a multipart illustrated Slic3r guide to his colorful blog. It's a very good work, so thank you Rich!
Michael Andresen (well known as blddk) posted some screenshots to show differences between the various fill patterns available in Slic3r. Don't miss the interesting article Gary Hodgson posted about new possible fill patterns.
Pointedstick (Nathaniel Graham) posted two good blog articles about high-resolution printing, in which he talks about using Slic3r: this and that.
Brazen Artifice posted a couple articles about retraction and preloading last settings.
Sparr posted a picture of an object he printed with and without enabling the native arcs support in Slic3r.
The good Kliment Yanev added an option to customize the slicing command in his excellent Pronterface, to allow for easy integration with Slic3r. (See the Slic3r README for guidance.) [Less]
about 13 years
New features:
Slice and save as... command to choose the output file name
Compatibility with Windows XP 64
Total filament length is written to the output file and showed on command line
Improved flow and overlapping
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for solid surfaces by using a better physical model in internal calculations; this gives much higher quality making it less sparse then it was before
Improved the slicing algorithm; this should reduce the STL warnings
Better overlapping for loops
Concentric infill now uses the adjusted flow spacing for better surface quality; it also starts infilling always from the center point.
Reduced packages size by 10-20%; they also launch faster
Always use rectilinear infill for internal solid surfaces
Limit skirt height to print height
Concentric infill was throwing errors
Extrusion was calculated incorrectly for clock-wise arcs when using the experimental --gcode-arcs option
about 13 years
New extrusion math for more accuracy
Make sure there are no empty layers at the bottom
Don't slow down retractions on bottom layer
Remember last opened directory (until application is closed)
Don't die when config
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has unknown options
More STL files are now accepted
Default infill angle is now 45°
Default retraction speed is now 30mm/s
Comments in gcode must now be explicitely enabled with the new --gcode-comments option
Objects had slight dimension errors
Removed fatal errors thrown during infill (small regions and infill every N layers)
Fixed bolding and font issues on Windows
Removed fatal error when nothing in a single layer could be parsed
Duplicate was giving bad number of copies
about 13 years
New features:
optimal bridging direction is detected for more bridges
flow width is auto adjusted to avoid leaving gaps at the border of solid regions
customizable speed for small perimeters
customizable multiplier for the flow rate
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used when bridging
important settings are marked in bold -- new users can start printing by changing only those ones
infill segments are now connected to allow better sticking to the perimeters
0.5.4 was less tolerant than 0.5.3 about dirty STL models
about 13 years
A new juicy release is ready!
New features:
distinct speeds for perimeters, infill, solid infill and bridges
warn about non-manifold or dirty models
allow solid fill layers to be zero
new --extrusion-axis option
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high tolerance for dirty models; it will attempt to repair any missing layer (all Prusa Mendel parts now slice correctly!)
options on command line now override loaded config file
note used settings in exported gcode
all feed rate options were renamed using the word speed
concentric infill threw errors
plate was lifted erroneously at Z change
fill density = 0 prevented generation of extra solid layers
some bridges, when very close to other solid surfaces, could lead to overlapping infill
the extrusion width ratio setting produced wrong flow rate sometimes
removed sparse errors
could not read back a config file with empty start or end gcode
over 13 years
options having zero values were broken 0.5.2
hollow objects were printed with wrong sparse infill
minor errors
over 13 years
A new release just after two days!
New features:
new Extrusion width ratio option to force a given
ratio between extrusion width and layer height instead of
having Slic3r calculate it automatically
new super-fast concentric infill
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GUI progress bar is not determinate and shows some information
avoid unnecessary retractions during infill
Filament packing density was renamed to Extrusion multiplier
Infill every 'n' layers was broken after recent changes
setting Temperature to zero didn't remove it from output
over 13 years
10 more days and a new release is there!
New features:
if Temperature is set to zero, no temperature control will
be added to the resulting gcode file
large refactoring of the bridging logic - all bridges should now be
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detected (although some work needs to be done on optimal infill direction); the quality of solid surfaces and regions near bridges and solid surfaces has improved a lot
use solid infill under pillars and small regions instead of
using an internal low-density infill
don't die on non-manifold models; always try to generate some output
print settings moved to first tab
M109 is used instead of M104 for temperature control
bottom layer speed was ignored
some solid layers were skipped
some ghost lines were extruded in open air outside the object when a 45° infill angle was used
over 13 years
After 10 more days of work, a new release is out!
New features:
four new exciting fill patterns (including line)!
new algorithm for re-processing layers with dirty geometry, this makes the parser more tolerant
start and end gcode is
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customizable in the GUI too
new --retract-lift option to lift Z while doing travel moves
new --no-extrusion option to disable E codes
new --skirt-height option
new --first-layer-height-ratio option
new --close-after-slicing for easy integration with external programs
new --g0 option to output G0 for fast retractions (experimental)
perimeters are extruded at once for each island, saving on travel toolpaths
perimeters are extruded using a shortest path search, avoiding unnecessary travel
smarter toolpaths for infills with different density
multiply was renamed to duplicate
infill is now overlapped with perimeters by 15%
GUI was rearranged using tabs
fixed fatal error occuring on Windows
infill solid layers even when --fill-density is set to zero
membranes were not printed correctly
G2/G3 coordinates for experimental arcs were wrong
print first layer at Z = 1 * layer height instead of zero
over 13 years
Here we are. After two months since I started to write this software from scratch, there are many people enjoying using it. And I'm enjoying to receive their feedback!
Tech Paladin published a post entitled Slic3r 0wns with some pictures:
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Glauche, owner of and creator of the ShaperCube published some pictures of nice high-resolution prints sliced thanks to the speed and accuracy of Slic3r.
Some people printed the same object with Slic3r and Skeinforge and published pictures with the comparison: see this picture by Blue_Metal, this one by John Ridley. Also, see this picture by Richard Goodwin.
There are also a couple YouTube videos: this and that. [Less]