over 12 years
almost 13 years
Due to an ugly bug slipped in the previous release, a quick replacement is out.
almost 13 years
This is a very important update, grab it now and enjoy!
I want to say thanks to the wonderful community that has been helping with feedback, early testing and nice ideas. A lot of people is involved in our open "quality assurance" process!
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graphical interface for composing multiple objects in one single print (with tools for rotation, scaling etc.)
new --merge switch to compose multiple object with auto-positioning from command line
new option to randomize starting points across layers
automatic detection of additional required perimeters for avoiding haps in domed/sloping objects (the perimeters settings means now minimum perimeters as Slic3r could add more when needed)
sequential printing: print a complete object, then move onto next one, with automatic collision detection
ability to export STL files of composed plates, as well as a Split command to turn multi-object files into individual objects
we can read OBJ files now
very large memory savings and speed boosts, allowing to process high-resolutions files without getting out of memory; also, the number of threads is customizable
very improved surface quality due to new smoothing algorithms
the GUI doesn't block while slicing and a Cancel button was added to stop the process
hole perimeters are extruded in reverse order (from the outermost to the innermost) to get better overhangs
a slight compensation is applied to avoid small hole shrinkage
support material now uses honeycomb pattern (much work is still needed on support material)
retract before changing tool for dual extrusion
SVG colors were inverted to better support DLP printing (next versions will carry more settings for SVG export)
fixed some GUI memory leaks
fixed some fatal errors
fixed a bug causing high memory consumption when infilling every 2 or more layers
some holes where filled
some nearly-thin walls were discarded
removed tiny dots/blobs that were generated sometimes
bottom layer speed ratio wasn't taken into account when estimating layer time
omit any G92 E0 when in relative mode
almost 13 years
almost 13 years
almost 13 years
Due to an error slipped in the 0.7.2 release and quickly reported by early downloaders, I recommend to download the newly-released 0.7.2b now. Sorry!
almost 13 years
We have a shiny new beautiful icon now! Thanks to Corey Daniels for designing it.
Major new features:
Honeycomb (hexagonal) infill pattern!
SVG export for DLP printers and other purposes
automatic arrangement for printing multiple
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copies of the same object (thanks Triffid Hunter for contributing this one)
New features:
new Reslice command in the File menu
customizable G-code to be executed at layer change
huge speed boost (20%-50%) and more parallelization of long-running algorithms
new implementation of support material generation
don't slow down travel moves when cooling is enabled
new --threads command line option to set number of parallel jobs
Minor improvements:
enable G0 automatically for Mach3
allow decimal values for skirt/duplicate distances and speeds
added the coordinates of the first non-manifold edge to the warning messages
only output M109 if there's none in the user-supplied start G-code
make sure all concentric fill loops are extruded in the same direction to prevent sudden changes of direction
--duplicate-x and --duplicate-y were merged into a single --duplicate-grid option
some holes were filled
the No Extrusion mode had no effect
use M109 for bed control (Makerbot)
use P instead of S for M106 (Mach3)
fixed some fatal errors
almost 13 years
New features:
new fan always on option
bed temperature control (first layer/other layers)
Growl notifications
some algorithms are now less complex (thus faster with larger models)
fill/perimeter contact is
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maximized for line pattern
slowdown is now triggered regardless of whether a fan is used
allow to use config options in start/end G-code, like for output filename pattern
throw an error if a user wants to print a 0mm layer
remove M82/M83 codes for Makerbot output
the Use relative E option is now back in the GUI
remove G0 from the GUI until most firmwares implement it
avoid G92 codes for Mach3 output
retraction wasn't triggered when moving between copies
a bad "bridge fan end" string was sometimes inserted in G-code
fixed some fatal errors
fixed some bogus non-manifold errors happening with certain values of first layer height
infill extrudates were escaping perimeters sometimes
about 13 years
This is a very important update: don't miss it and enjoy the goodies!
Major new features:
a new rock-solid slicing algorithm, based on a topological approach, able to process efficiently a wide range of STL files without any warning
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generation of support material (optionally, with a second extruder)
cooling and fan control
ability to read the AMF format
New features:
first layer temperature
support for Makerbot and Mach3 G-code flavors
duplication is performed on generated toolpaths instead of 3D mesh, resulting in a nearly-constant time for any number of object copies
infill and support material are multi-threaded, so they will take advantage of multiple CPUs/cores
support for custom post-processing scripts
new notes field in configuration profiles
uses 40% less memory
ability to load multiple config files using the command line
ask for confirmation when slicing more than one copy
contours and holes are extruded in the same direction (ccw)
skein multiple files with a single command from command line
some compensation for hole shrinkage
Minor improvements:
do not display the progress dialog as an application-wide modal dialog
Config files are now portable between Unix and Windows and allow for Unicode characters
added extrusion multiplier to G-code comments
models with rounded walls had small useless infill regions
small perimeter speed was applied to all holes too, regardless of their size
fixed some fatal errors
about 13 years
After much work, a new beefy release of Slic3r is ready for download.
New features:
thin walls!
new Output Filename Format option to allow for complex output filenames using option values (like foo_3perimeters_0.15height.gcode)
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automatic retraction at the end of the print
much better overlap between infill and perimeters in those situations where previous version was still producing gaps
smarter order for hole perimeters to save travel and time
large internal refactoring (less memory and some speed)
bridges now have higher priority than other solid regions
loops are now closed better
use solid print speed for internal solid layers too
checkbox in GUI to enable comments in G-code
warn if no layers were detected
Windows package is now distributed as a ZIP file rather than a self-extracting executable
some island having no holes and contained in holes themselves were ignored
fatal error in arc detection code
wrong month number in output
small regions were infilled even with fill_density = 0
fill was escaping perimeters near some corners
other fatal errors removed, especially when dealing with dirty files