almost 14 years
What is PyBlosxom?
PyBlosxom is a lightweight file-based weblog system. PyBlosxom
focuses on three things: simplicity, extensibility, and community.
simplicity - PyBlosxom uses the file system for all its
data storage. Because of this
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you can use whatever existing
editor, scripts and tools you want to create, update and
manipulate entries and other blog data.
extensibility - PyBlosxom has a plugin framework allowing
you to build plugins in Python to augment and change PyBlosxom's
default behavior.
community - There are hundreds of PyBlosxom users out there
all of whom have different needs. PyBlosxom is used on a variety
of operating systems in a variety of environments. The pyblosxom
users list shares their experiences, plugins, and expertise. The
pyblosxom devel list shares their ideas for changes, patches and
run it as a static renderer to compile your blog to html
run as a CGI script
run as a WSGI application
lots of plugins that modify and extend behavior
RSS 2.0 and Atom syndication feeds
category and date-based archives and feeds
PyBlosxom allows you to use your existing editor, toolset and
workflow to maintain your blog without forcing you to build it all
from scratch.
$ pip install pyblosxom
$ pyblosxom-cmd create ./blog
$ cd blog
$ paster serve blog.ini
Project information
Git repository:
References/specifications: references/specs
IRC: #pyblosxom on
mailing lists
pyblosxom-users -
pyblosxom-users at lists dot sourceforge dot net
This mailing list is for users who are having problems installing or
configuring PyBlosxom. It can also be used for questions, comments, bugs,
ideas, and things of that nature as well.
The GMANE archives have RSS links if you're interested in following along
that way.
pyblosxom-devel -
pyblosxom-devel at lists dot sourceforge dot net
This mailing list is for developers who want to add/modify/delete
functionality in PyBlosxom. Since it revolves around PyBlosxom development,
it's also a good place to ask questions about how to build plugins and
for advice on working around various plugin development issues.
The GMANE archives have RSS links if you're interested in following along
that way.
Interested in contributing?
about 14 years
Development slowed down during the second half of 2010 because I was
bogged down with other things. I recognize how that totally sucks
for the project. I'm working on rectifying it now.
Previously, we were using the SF bug tracker which
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sucked. Since
we did much with it, it's undergone a user interface overhaul and it's
better, but it's still missing features this project needs. So we
stopped using it and I directed people to file bug reports by sending
email to the pyblosxom-devel mailing list.
In October of 2010, we discussed issue trackers. Then I went on
hiatus for a little over a month. I've returned now and set up Roundup
to host PyBlosxom issues and feature requests. With help from Asheesh
and the awesome folks at OpenHatch
I added support for tracking milestones. I've moved all open bugs
and features from the SF bug tracker to the new bug tracker.
You can find it at
I also got through the queue of merge requests from Dieter. I
really apologize for sitting on those for so long. I really appreciate
the work he did on them.
I want to move ahead and get a PyBlosxom 1.5 rc3 out soon. We're still
fixing problems in plugins and working on getting PyBlosxom and the core
plugins to a stable state--hence the need for ongoing release candidates
rather than a final release.
I want to thank Dieter for his prodding. Also, Tim, Marius, Bill, Michael,
Glennie, Sean, Sebastian, and Asheesh for their participation, efforts,
thoughts, and other positive energy things on #miro-hackers and the
pyblosxom-devel list. I'm looking forward to the rest of 2011, cleaning
up the project and making it better for everyone.
/will (willg at bluesock dot org)
over 14 years
It's been about 6 months since 1.5 rc1. Since then we've been updating
plugins, added some new plugins, adding tests, fixed documentation,
added a sortlist callback, updated docstrings, switched from subversion
to git, moved from
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SourceForge to Bluesock, and some other stuff.
Doing another release candidate because there's still a lot of work to
do updating plugins, adding tests, and fixing documentation.
Download the new version at
If you have any problems, say hi on IRC (#pyblosxom
on, send an email to the pyblosxom-users
mailing list, or send me an email at willg at bluesock dot org.
/will (willg at bluesock dot org)
almost 15 years
We've left SourceForge and moved on to
Come join us there!
almost 15 years
We're moving from SourceForge to Bluesock. Bluesock is my own personal
server where I'll have a lot more control over the site in terms of how
it's built. On SourceForge we're severely limited to static pages or
the various applications
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that they install. It's been a real pain in
the ass.
Additionally, I've gone through the site and updated it to reflect our
move from svn to git.
On top of that, we're ditching the SourceForge bug tracker. We don't
have a bug tracker set up, though, so we're just going to wing it with
the pyblosxom-devel mailing list. If it becomes necessary, we'll set
up a new bug tracker.
PyBlosxom 1.5 is almost done. A handful of things have been done since
the release candidate a while back. The documentation still needs another
going over and parts of it need to be updated.
Hopefully all that will happen soon.
almost 15 years
There have been lots of changes in the last few months. We're
finishing up PyBlosxom 1.5 and we're moving the project to different
infrastructure. Let me cover these one at a time.
We did a PyBlosxom 1.5 rc1 release a couple of months
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ago. Since
then, we've been hanging out on #pyblosxom on Freenode
and fielding questions. I think it's going really well for
everyone. As people bring up issues, we're fixing them or putting
them on the TODO list to get fixed. Most of the problems revolve
around plugin support or plugin bugs.
We've been working on updating plugins in the contributed plugins
pack. We're also getting rid of the contributed plugins pack and
going back to what we used to do several versions ago where we ship
plugins with the PyBlosxom tarball. Plugins that are used by many
users and are well supported will be located in
the plugins/ directory of the tarball. We have a unit
test system set up and we're adding tests for these plugins. We'll
be making an effort going forward to update plugins as we update
PyBlosxom core and everything should be shiny happy.
We're planning to rework the plugin registry on the site to provide
an index of all the plugins out there--both those in the tarball and
those maintained by other people. Work on this hasn't started,
yet. I think this is a post PyBlosxom 1.5 project.
There are a handful of plugins that I want to update, add tests for,
and move to the plugins/ directory to ship with the
tarball. Once that happens, we'll release a 1.5 final.
In regards to the infrastructure, we're switching to git. Sebastian
very kindly converted our svn repository into three git repositories
that are now at
This will make development a lot easier going forward.
We're also scheming to rework the website so it's a better project
website, has a better registry for plugins and flavours, and makes
it easier for us to collaborate on PyBlosxom development.
That's where we're at. If you want to contribute and/or hang out,
we're on #pyblosxom on Freenode and the PyBlosxom
develop mailing list.
/will (willg at bluesock dot org)
about 15 years
It's been two years since the last release. Since then the world has turned,
tools have improved (thank you Sphinx!), and PyBlosxom has undergone a lot
of changes. The list of changes is really long. As such, this is a release
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to get some more testing.
Download here:
If you have any problems, please toss a bug in the bug tracker, say hi on IRC (#pyblosxom
on, or send an email to the pyblosxom-users mailing list.
/will (willhelm at users dot sourceforge dot net)
over 15 years
I'm finishing up work on PyBlosxom 1.5. Generally speaking,
development is done. Things left to do:
Lots of cleanup, some new features (exposed commandline for plugins,
truncate callback, ...), simplified
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startup, and some other things.
At this point, I think it's solid enough to use and I switched my
blog to use it. If you're so inclined, grab it from svn, read the
UPGRADE, CHANGELOG, and INSTALL documents and that should get you
up and running. Some plugins might need fixing, but it works on my
blog and I used it to statically compile this site.
If you have problems with PyBlosxom or with plugins, let us know
on #pyblosxom on
or on the pyblosxom-devel mailing list.
about 17 years
I re-worked the web-site so that it's checked into SVN along with
the code and it's generated using the static renderer. I did this
for a couple of reasons:
the web-site, except the wiki, is already static because we have
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permissions to the file system on SourceForge
putting it in SVN allows enterprising individuals to pull the whole
thing down and work to make it look way better
it makes it easier for us to move the PyBlosxom project to some
other system
it provides me a really solid testing ground for static rendering
If you bump into any issues, let me know.
If you want to help overhaul the site so that it's way better, let
me know.
/will (willhelm at users dot sourceforge dot net)
about 17 years
This release fixes some minor issues with WSGI and Paste support. It also
supports template variables in the form of $(foo) which prevents
variable name ambiguity. Additionally there are some bug fixes and more
unit tests.
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If you have any problems, please toss a bug in the bug tracker, say hi on IRC (#pyblosxom
on, or send an email to the pyblosxom-users mailing list.
/will (willhelm at users dot sourceforge dot net)