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Analyzed 12 months ago. based on code collected 12 months ago.
Posted over 7 years ago
Added: Reconnect to database on connection failure or connection lost. Fixed: Compile for Windows 10 IoT. Fixed: Typo in server manager and resource leak in sqlite on exit (thx Pavel Pimenov for report). Fixed: Incorrect long length ... [More] message when incomplete search command was received (thx Alexey for report). Fixed: Search request was sent to users without share (thx Pavel Pimenov for report). Fixed: Missing $ValidateDenide when user use nick that is in reserved nicks (thx Alexey for report). Fixed: Extra pipe in !checknickban result (thx Alexey for report). Fixed: IP and Port check in DC commands. (thx Mank and Rolex for report). Fixed: Missing IP check for validity in some hub commands. Fixed: Empty password received from user was not checked properly and accepted as new password for reg. Fixed: Bandwidth waste, when IPv6 user send search request with IPv4 address. Fixed: Possible crash on hublist registration (thx Pavel Pimenov for report). Fixed: Bind to single IP caused bind to all addresses when IPv6 address was empty. Fixed: Typo in scripting interface. MaxSlotsLimt -> MaxSlotsLimit (thx Cęńoßy†ę for report). Changed: Log script errors is enabled by default for PtokaX versions without GUI. [Less]
Posted over 9 years ago
Added: Support to build with Lua 5.3 on Debian (Ubuntu, Mint, Dyson...) to makefile (make without param). Added: Disable registration to hublist, when hub address is local/private IP. Changed: Build with Lua 5.1 on Debian (Ubuntu, Mint ... [More] , Dyson...) now have lua51 param (make lua51). Fixed: Crash when redirect on permanent ban is enabled and permban redirect address is empty and main redirect addres is empty. Fixed: Possible crash or memory corruption on settings messages with possibility to use settings value(s) in them. Fixed: String 'unlimited' was not translated in some settings messages. Fixed: Crash when timer was removed in OnTimer Lua function (thx Cęńoßy†ę for report). [Less]
Posted over 9 years ago
Added: Support to compile PtokaX on FreeBSD with Lua 5.3. Added: Support to compile PtokaX on Solaris, Fedora, OpenBSD, NetBSD and Mac OS X. Added: Command line menu with configuration and add registered user options to PtokaX service ... [More] and non-Windows version (-m cmd param). Fixed: Few minor issues in Lua api. Fixed: Compile on FreeBSD 10.1, Haiku, Solaris and illumos. Fixed: Missing checks for $, |, space and length for many settings strings. Fixed: Ban message on some places was truncated to 255 bytes instead of 511. Changed: Timer handling on Unixes. Changed: Settings, Reserved Nicks and Scripts settings files from xml to simple text format. Changed: Profiles and bans files from xml to binary format. Improved: Performance for strings sent to UDP Debug. [Less]
Posted over 9 years ago
Added: Support for PostgreSQL database to store info about users. Added: Chat command !getipinfo to get info about ip(s) from Database. Added: Support for CTM2HUB. Added: Little time ... [More] delay before $Lock is sent by hub. That way hub don't sending $Lock if new connection is CTM DDOS (idea from original NeoModus Direct Connect Hub 1.0.25). Added: -p command line param for pid file. Added: Support for SQLite database to store info about users. Added: Support for MySQL/MariaDB database to store info about users. Fixed: Missing settings and profiles identificator tables with Lua 5.1. Fixed: Few bad possitions of gui items in settings window (thx keep_clear for report). Changed: Chat command !getinfo to get info about offline user(s) from Database. Updated: Lua 5.3 to 5.3.1. [Less]
Posted over 9 years ago
Adding ADC protocol support to PtokaX means significant amount of work. Work that can take from 6 to 12 person-months. Crowdfunding is only way how to get that work done. Goal is to get at least 100 Bitcoins by end of July 2015 ... [More] at address 115vm2VDNmvQUu8iasCA1P5PAfYDH23BPY Coding will start immediately after goal will be reached. Actual state can be checked here. When goal will not be reached then funds will be returned. When goal will be reached then public testing hub will be available. Public code repository will be available and testing versions will be released for public testing. Version with full ADC protocol support (as is documented here) will be released before end of July 2016. More info on PtokaX forum http://forum.ptokax.org/index.php?topic=9156 [Less]
Posted almost 10 years ago
Added: install part to makefile including setcap allowing PtokaX to listen on ports below 1024 without running as privileged user (require capabilities support, libcap2-bin in debian). Added: hublist.te-home.net and ... [More] dc.gwhublist.com to default hublist register addresses. Added: init script for *nix. Added: Port validity checking in commands to disallow exploit that can be used to ddos in dc++ core. Added: Tables with definitions for SetMan booleans, numbers and strings identificators. Added: Table with definitions for ProfMan permissions identificators. Fixed: User profile is set after correct password is received to disable possible exploit in scripts (thx Alexey for report). Fixed: Missing hub bot key after nick change when opchat have same nick. Fixed: Possible crash on closing some gui windows (thx Alex82 for report). Fixed: Directory/file permissions on *nix. Fixed: Partial IP was shown as wrong when IPv6 user without IPv4 connection sent IPv4 address in command (thx Mank for report). Fixed: Possible crash when new throw exception on memory failure. Fixed: Few possible issues found by PVS studio (thx Pavel Pimenov for report). Fixed: Memory access outside array in script editor window on load/save (thx Pavel Pimenov for report). Fixed: User who was allowed to kick can ban and tempban user without permissions for ban and tempban (thx Alexey for report). Fixed: Range ban and range temp ban command was not working for IPv6 addresses longer than 15 characters (thx Alexey for report). Fixed: Few possible memory leaks when memory allocation fail. Fixed: On !rangeban command when range was already banned was sent wrong second message (thx Alexey for report). Fixed: Active search character counting for ipv6 request when ip is very short. Other: Some minor performance improvements. [Less]
Posted over 10 years ago
Added: Makefile recursion to automatically compile skein and tinyxml on unix os. Fixed: When xml file fail to load then it is reported and not silently replaced with default (thx dmvn for report). ... [More] Fixed: Missing $MyINFO for bot in some cases (thx Alexey and alex82 for report). Fixed: Not working change password in some cases (thx zog for report). Fixed: Crash on bans loading in some cases. Fixed: Max users logins in gui range (thx alex82 for report). Fixed: NoBadCharsInNick language string has obsolete chars (thx Alexey for report). Fixed: !tempban with offline user and wrong time value was returning !nicktempban message (thx sphinx for report). Fixed: Change password for registered user from Lua (thx alex82 for report). Fixed: When hub description was removed then after restart was changed to default one (thx alex82 for report). Fixed: Missing $OpList and/or $UserIP in some cases (thx alex82 for report). Fixed: Few compiler warning in ubuntu. Changed: os.exit in Lua now correctly shutdown PtokaX. [Less]
Posted over 10 years ago
Added: Makefile recursion to automatically compile skein and tinyxml on unix os. Fixed: When xml file fail to load then it is reported and not silently replaced with default (thx dmvn for report). Fixed: Missing ... [More] $MyINFO for bot in some cases (thx Alexey and alex82 for report). Fixed: Not working change password in some cases (thx zog for report). Fixed: Crash on bans loading in some cases. Fixed: Max users logins in gui range (thx alex82 for report). Fixed: NoBadCharsInNick language string has obsolete chars (thx Alexey for report). Fixed: !tempban with offline user and wrong time value was returning !nicktempban message (thx sphinx for report). Fixed: Change password for registered user from Lua (thx alex82 for report). Fixed: When hub description was removed then after restart was changed to default one (thx alex82 for report). Fixed: Missing $OpList and/or $UserIP in some cases (thx alex82 for report). Fixed: Few compiler warning in ubuntu. Changed: os.exit in Lua now correctly shutdown PtokaX. [Less]
Posted about 11 years ago
Added: White space characters (ascii chars below 32) are not allowed in nicks anymore. Added: Option to store passwords for registered users as hashes. Added: Registered users autosave after every 100 regs changes and ... [More] every 15 minutes when regs change. Added: AddTimer(iTimerInterval, fFunction) to Lua api. Added: ProfMan.RemoveProfile in Lua api now accept profile number as param. Added: Error message on script error now contains traceback, when available. Fixed: IpToCountry for IPv4 ignored first and last ip in country range (thx Alexey and alex82 for report). Fixed: Crash in windows version when script send some global data as reaction to chat without blocking it (thx Alexey for report). Fixed: Wrong chat lines order when multiple messages was received in one loop and script send global data reply for one of them. Fixed: On hub bot nick change old bot was not removed from userlist (thx Alexey for report). Fixed: Few other issues related to hub bot nick and info changes. Fixed: Issues related to OpChat bot nick and info changes. Fixed: 64bit windoze build was limited to only 2 GB of memory. Fixed: Lua float/integer types for better performance with Lua 5.3. Fixed: Issues with signals on unix (thx dmvn for report). Fixed: Broken text input boxes in settings window in some cases. Fixed: Never ending loop on reading of registered users file longer than 128 kB (thx dmvn for report). [Less]
Posted about 11 years ago
Added: White space characters (ascii chars below 32) are not allowed in nicks anymore. Added: Option to store passwords for registered users as hashes. Added: Registered users autosave after every 100 ... [More] regs changes and every 15 minutes when regs change. Added: AddTimer(iTimerInterval, fFunction) to Lua api. Added: ProfMan.RemoveProfile in Lua api now accept profile number as param. Added: Error message on script error now contains traceback, when available. Fixed: IpToCountry for IPv4 ignored first and last ip in country range (thx Alexey and alex82 for report). Fixed: Crash in windows version when script send some global data as reaction to chat without blocking it (thx Alexey for report). Fixed: Wrong chat lines order when multiple messages was received in one loop and script send global data reply for one of them. Fixed: On hub bot nick change old bot was not removed from userlist (thx Alexey for report). Fixed: Few other issues related to hub bot nick and info changes. Fixed: Issues related to OpChat bot nick and info changes. Fixed: 64bit windoze build was limited to only 2 GB of memory. Fixed: Lua float/integer types for better performance with Lua 5.3. Fixed: Issues with signals on unix (thx dmvn for report). Fixed: Broken text input boxes in settings window in some cases. Fixed: Never ending loop on reading of registered users file longer than 128 kB (thx dmvn for report). [Less]