over 16 years
Dead Ed
PPF 0.6 release - complete package with core and plugins. Another all-in-one release to get some of the latest changes out. Some minor improvements to the core, a few bugs fixes and updates in some plugins and a few new plugins.
New plugins:
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AutoOp, GeeklogSearch, Introduction, InviteBot, Jaiku, LDAPQuery, One, PieSpy, Pug, ServerAdminManager
Updated plugins: Advertiser, CBFinder, ComicBot, FeedReader, JMegaHalAI, Log, Roulette, ServerAdminHelper, ServerAdminHelperHL2, ServerAuth, ServerQuery, Tell, TinyUrl [Less]
over 16 years
Dead Ed
PPF 0.6 release - complete package with core and plugins. Another all-in-one release to get some of the latest changes out. Some minor improvements to the core, a few bugs fixes and updates in some plugins and a few new plugins.
New plugins: AutoOp
... [More]
, GeeklogSearch, Introduction, InviteBot, Jaiku, LDAPQuery, One, PieSpy, Pug, ServerAdminManager
Updated plugins: Advertiser, CBFinder, ComicBot, FeedReader, JMegaHalAI, Log, Roulette, ServerAdminHelper, ServerAdminHelperHL2, ServerAuth, ServerQuery, Tell, TinyUrl
PPF 0.6 release - complete package with core and plugins. Another all-in-one release to get some of the latest changes out. Some minor improvements to the core, a few bugs fixes and updates in some plugins and a few new plugins.New plugins: AutoOp
... [More]
, GeeklogSearch, Introduction, InviteBot, Jaiku, LDAPQuery, One, PieSpy, Pug, ServerAdminManagerUpdated plugins: Advertiser, CBFinder, ComicBot, FeedReader, JMegaHalAI, Log, Roulette, ServerAdminHelper, ServerAdminHelperHL2, ServerAuth, ServerQuery, Tell, TinyUrl (0 comments) [Less]
PPF 0.6 release - complete package with core and plugins. Another all-in-one release to get some of the latest changes out. Some minor improvements to the core, a few bugs fixes and updates in some plugins and a few new plugins.New plugins: AutoOp
... [More]
, GeeklogSearch, Introduction, InviteBot, Jaiku, LDAPQuery, One, PieSpy, Pug, ServerAdminManagerUpdated plugins: Advertiser, CBFinder, ComicBot, FeedReader, JMegaHalAI, Log, Roulette, ServerAdminHelper, ServerAdminHelperHL2, ServerAuth, ServerQuery, Tell, TinyUrl (0 comments) [Less]
almost 18 years
Dead Ed
Complete package with core and plugins.
There have been a whole load of changes since the previous version \(and way too much time gone as well\). So here is a release of everything so far - check over the docs and see what is available. Updates to
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config files will have to be made manually \(both core and plugin configs\). Things will be changing even more for the next release as well. There have been some great contributions and help over the last year and even though not everything is polished, it really is time to make an all-in-one release available. Hope you like it. To chat with most of the developers, ask questions or whatever then \#deaded on will usually have someone around \(just bring a little patience with you ;\)\)
There are also going to be some changes from this point on. We are going to change the PPF system to use the OSGi framework. The change impact on the existing plugins will be minimal \(but of course some effort will be needed to migrate\). This development will go on in SVN rather than CVS \(where the current PPF system will remain for now\). Documentation will also change away from the existing static xml docs to something else ... probably a Wiki based system. This will hopefully encourage a little more user and developer interaction and make plugin updates and additions to the core system easier and as it was intended \(and not one big release containing everything\). The current dev team are quite excited about these changes and everyone is looking forward to working on the all new, improved, streamlined, super duper, PPF\! :\) [Less]
Complete package with core and plugins.There have been a whole load of changes since the previous version (and way too much time gone as well). So here is a release of everything so far - check over the docs and see what is available. Updates to
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config files will have to be made manually (both core and plugin configs). Things will be changing even more for the next release as well. There have been some great contributions and help over the last year and even though not everything is polished, it really is time to make an all-in-one release available. Hope you like it. To chat with most of the developers, ask questions or whatever then #deaded on will usually have someone around (just bring a little patience with you ;))There are also going to be some changes from this point on. We are going to change the PPF system to use the OSGi framework. The change impact on the existing plugins will be minimal (but of course some effort will be needed to migrate). This development will go on in SVN rather than CVS (where the current PPF system will remain for now). Documentation will also change away from the existing static xml docs to something else ... probably a Wiki based system. This will hopefully encourage a little more user and developer interaction and make plugin updates and additions to the core system easier and as it was intended (and not one big release containing everything). The current dev team are quite excited about these changes and everyone is looking forward to working on the all new, improved, streamlined, super duper, PPF! :) (0 comments) [Less]
almost 18 years
Dead Ed
Complete package with core and plugins.
There have been a whole load of changes since the previous version \(and way too much time gone as well\). So here is a release of everything so far - check over the docs and see what is available. Updates to
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config files will have to be made manually \(both core and plugin configs\). Things will be changing even more for the next release as well. There have been some great contributions and help over the last year and even though not everything is polished, it really is time to make an all-in-one release available. Hope you like it. To chat with most of the developers, ask questions or whatever then \#deaded on will usually have someone around \(just bring a little patience with you ;\)\)
There are also going to be some changes from this point on. We are going to change the PPF system to use the OSGi framework. The change impact on the existing plugins will be minimal \(but of course some effort will be needed to migrate\). This development will go on in SVN rather than CVS \(where the current PPF system will remain for now\). Documentation will also change away from the existing static xml docs to something else ... probably a Wiki based system. This will hopefully encourage a little more user and developer interaction and make plugin updates and additions to the core system easier and as it was intended \(and not one big release containing everything\). The current dev team are quite excited about these changes and everyone is looking forward to working on the all new, improved, streamlined, super duper, PPF\! :\)
Complete package with core and plugins.There have been a whole load of changes since the previous version (and way too much time gone as well). So here is a release of everything so far - check over the docs and see what is available. Updates to
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config files will have to be made manually (both core and plugin configs). Things will be changing even more for the next release as well. There have been some great contributions and help over the last year and even though not everything is polished, it really is time to make an all-in-one release available. Hope you like it. To chat with most of the developers, ask questions or whatever then #deaded on will usually have someone around (just bring a little patience with you ;))There are also going to be some changes from this point on. We are going to change the PPF system to use the OSGi framework. The change impact on the existing plugins will be minimal (but of course some effort will be needed to migrate). This development will go on in SVN rather than CVS (where the current PPF system will remain for now). Documentation will also change away from the existing static xml docs to something else ... probably a Wiki based system. This will hopefully encourage a little more user and developer interaction and make plugin updates and additions to the core system easier and as it was intended (and not one big release containing everything). The current dev team are quite excited about these changes and everyone is looking forward to working on the all new, improved, streamlined, super duper, PPF! :) (0 comments) [Less]
Just to let you know that we are very much alive and kicking. Main activity is around the irc channel #deaded on There are also beta packages being thrown up for testing and fixes (for now) to (0 comments)
over 19 years
Dead Ed
Just to let you know that we are very much alive and kicking. Main activity is around the irc channel \#deaded on There are also beta packages being thrown up for testing and fixes \(for now\) to