over 15 years
The "Linux Package Dependencies" use case has just been published into the AM3 "Use Cases" section. This complex use case contains a general description but also a complete implementation.
It is about describing how AM3 can be used in
over 15 years
The "PetStore Navigability" use case has just been published into the AM3 "Use Cases" section. This complex use case contains a general description but also a complete implementation.
It is about presenting a concrete use of the
over 15 years
A set of new documentations and publications, concerning the AM3 prototype and various experiments performed using it,
has been added to the documentation page.
These documents are now available from the AM3 documentation page.
almost 16 years
A set of new extension plugins has just been committed. It provides:
one plugin for global model management
one plugin for ATL support (Eclipse-M2M)
one plugin for AMW support (Eclipse-GMT)
one plugin for composite transformation
over 16 years
The content of the previous AM3 CVS located onto the Technology project CVS has been archived.
The AM3 fully IP-approved material (including the new version of AM3) is now available from the AM3 Modeling SVN.
The content of the AM3
almost 17 years
The sources of the first version of the ATL extension for AM3 are now available from CVS.
The "org.eclipse.gmt.am3.platform.extension.globalmodelmanagement" and "org.eclipse.gmt.am3.extractor.launchers"
plugins provide facilities for modeling
about 17 years
The sources of the brand new AM3 plugins are now available from CVS.
They provide the core AM3 APIs, the extension mechanism for the metamodel of megamodel, a generic and extensible IDE including
the Megamodel Navigator and basic megamodel element editors.
over 17 years
The EXPRESS information modeling language is widely used in the scope of the ISO 10303 Standard for Exchange of Product Data (STEP).
The EXPRESS metamodel is now available in the Atlantic Zoo. This EXPRESS metamodel was created
over 17 years
Modeling and Analysis of Real Time and Embedded systems also known as MARTE is the OMG standard for modelling real-time and embedded applications with UML2.
The MARTE metamodel is now available in the Atlantic Zoo. It was created
over 17 years
Modeling and Analysis of Real Time and Embedded systems also known as MARTE is the OMG standard for modelling real-time and embedded applications with UML2.
The MARTE metamodel is now available in the Atlantic Zoo. It was created