over 10 years
Romain Reuillon
OpenMOLE 3.0, Jazzy Jaguar, has been released in RC1. This version is quite conservative. The main developments concerned the OpenMOLE core and lower layers which are a lot more stable and present way better performances than 2.0. Jazzy Jaguar has been widely tested to work smoothly with the packager tool CARE, which is a very…
over 10 years
Romain Reuillon
1.0 was just the beginning. OpenMOLE is now stable enough so that we could focus on gradual improvement from version to version. It is very surprising for us but we already have enough improvements on the OpenMOLE codebase that it justifies the release of OpenMOLE 2 very soon (probably next week). Indeed, thank to some…
over 10 years
Romain Reuillon
It’s finally there! After 6 years of hard work we made it to 1.0 (Heroic Hypo). It combines stability and ergonomic interfaces to provide the best model exploration tool ever made. We are very proud of this success, that has been made possible thanks to the effort and support of a dynamic community of developers, users…
over 10 years
Romain Reuillon
Hi! next release was supposed to be the big 1.0. However in the way to this major milestone for OpenMOLE we found that the grid plugin was really poorly using the EGI grid. Around 90% of the jobs failed (and were re-submitted) due to some file transfer problems linked to jglobus. We found a robust…
about 11 years
Romain Reuillon
Hi folks, finally the first RC of Gogo Gadget (0.10) has been released! As usual, many improvements and bug fixes have been included in this version. Some are quite noticeable such as: - fixes OpenMOLE for windows (delegation to gLite) and macOS (delegation to any environment), - no more installer, extract the tgz archive and OpenMOLE…
about 11 years
Romain Reuillon
Good news every one! Another “old see snake” has been killed by Mark. Clap, Clap, Clap! The scaladoc is available here. There is not yet much documentation apart from the method signatures. Now that the automatic generation of the documentation of the API, the work on an exhaustive clear and helpful scala documentation begins. Stay…
about 11 years
Romain Reuillon
Hi all, the way OpenMOLE is distributed is evolving, it will soon be licenced and sold for the very little price of 100$ by licence…. Just kidding it is free and open-source software and will always be. However, we are switching from the current jar installer to a more simple mode of distribution based native…
over 11 years
Romain Reuillon
I don’t know if it literally translates into English but I think we got read of an “old sea snake”. We have been providing a save function in the GUI which made it impossible to reload workflows from one version to another. I think this time is over. We have achieved a lot of work,…
over 11 years
Romain Reuillon
Hey ! Funky Fakir, the 0.9 OpenMoLE release was planned to be released on the 15th of July. As you may have guessed…. it won’t. You will have to wait until the end of August. The development snapshots are fairly stable so, and completely usable. The main point of this delay is to get more…
almost 12 years
Romain Reuillon
Hey! Great news, we will be presenting a training session on Elastic Earth the 9th of April at the EGI Community Forum in Manchester. This training session will take place at 11h and last for 1h30. We will teach the audience how to use OpenMOLE to design and run computations on a big scale on…