Contributes to Python programming language
Contributes to ImageMagick
Contributes to GStreamer
and 34 other projectsContributes to Sooda - Simple Object Oriented Data Access
Contributes to NLog - Advanced .NET Logging as Rafal Gwizdala
Contributes to nginn.bpm as lafar6502
and 3 other projectsContributes to fsunit
Contributes to Git Extensions
Contributes to FAKE - F# Make
and 8 other projectsContributes to Git Extensions
Contributes to ReSharper.AutoFormatOnSave
Contributes to Unity.TypedFactories
and 3 other projectsContributes to Business Logic Toolkit for .NET
Contributes to ImmDoc .NET
Contributes to ImmDoc.NET
and 10 other projectsContributes to Encryptamajig
Contributes to Shing
Contributes to CodeHaacks
and 5 other projects