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Posted over 13 years ago by [email protected] (Krishnan Srinivasan)
Hello. I'm new to CQRS. Read about it and downloaded (from link on the home page) the NCQRS framework to try out. I followed the screen cast and started creating my classes. Per the screen cast, the Event class is expected to be subclassed from ... [More] DomainEvent, but the framework doesn't seem to have one. So am not sure if I had downloaded the correct [Less]
Posted over 13 years ago by [email protected] (Yoann Remy)
Hi all, I am quite new to open source projects and especially to nCQRS. So may be I could do the correction all by myself. When getting the latest version of nCQRS and trying to make the MyNotes project running you get an error related to a change in the Domain project name I guess. Therefore you need to change those two :
Posted over 13 years ago by [email protected] (Eswann)
I've installed code contracts and while I no longer get the initial code contract failures, I'm now getting several unit test failures. They all follow the pattern of the first failure below: [exec] EXEC : error CC1019: Type ... [More] 'Ncqrs.Commanding.IKnownComman dsEnumerator' specifies the class 'Ncqrs.Commanding.IKnownComman dsEnumeratorContracts' as [Less]
Posted over 13 years ago by [email protected] (Matt Sullivan)
I just submitted pull request 83 <[link]> to allow the domain repository use Autofac to resolve aggregate roots and inject dependencies. I copied the idea from the Ninject version, but I'm new to DDD concepts and wondering if this is a good idea. Is it ok to have aggregate roots have references to other (non-domain)
Posted over 13 years ago by [email protected] (Dennis Traub)
Given I have two *Bounded Contexts*: 1. Fleet Mgt - simple CRUD-based supporting sub-domain 2. Sales - which is my CQRS-based *Core Domain* When a CRUD operation occurs in the fleet management, an event reflecting the operation should be published: - AircraftCreated - AircraftUpdated - AircraftDeleted
Posted over 13 years ago by [email protected] (Matt Sullivan)
Further to my previous post about duplicate InstallNcqrs extensions<[link]>, can anyone explain why NsbEventBus.cs and a few others are included in both of these projects? Is there an ongoing project to move code from one to the other? I don't
Posted over 13 years ago by [email protected] (Matt Sullivan)
Hi, Can anyone explain the use cases for the different variants of the InstallNcqrs NServiceBus extension method? I was recently surprised/caught out by the two functions with the exact same namespace and name, but in different assemblies. Would anyone object if I renamed these functions so there can be no
Posted over 13 years ago by [email protected] (walkthewalk)
I've looked at the NCQRS NServiceBus sample. It uses commands decorated with MapsToAggregateRootConstructor / MapsToAggregateRootMethod. Does anyone have an experience of using NSB with command executers/handlers inheriting off of CommandExecutorBase? How do I setup NSB to forward commands to the
Posted over 13 years ago by [email protected] (Olly Lite)
Hello, I'm attempting to model a MVC application that I would like to have architected to handle commands and events in the following way: NCQRS -> Listen via NServiceBus to MSMQ MVC->Controller->Send NServiceBus typed Command to MSMQ NCQRS ->Handle published NServiceBus Command->NCQRS generated event
Posted over 13 years ago by [email protected] (walkthewalk)
Let's say I have a denormalizer that has an exception. So I fix the problem and now I need to make sure any missed events get replayed and handled in order for the read side to be updated. How do I achieve this with NCQRS?