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Posted over 13 years ago by [email protected] (Wayne Douglas)
I've asked questions here and on SO and non opf them get answered. MNot sure if it's because I'm used to asking on the ravendb list and they get answered immediately or if i'm being impatient but this seems to be a bit of a blocker for me :(
Posted over 13 years ago by [email protected] (Wayne Douglas)
Method not found: 'Void Ncqrs.Eventing.Sourcing.EventS ource.ApplyEvent(Ncqrs.Eventin g.Sourcing.SourcedEvent)'. this happens in CommandService when executor(command); is called. If i f11 into this I get to the actual command handler: public ... [More] class CreateAccountViaFormRegistrati onCommandHandler : CommandExecutorBase<CreateAcco untViaFormRegistrationCommand> [Less]
Posted over 13 years ago by [email protected] (iwayneo)
Anyone seen the following error before? Method 'GetAllEvents' in type 'Ncqrs.Eventing.Storage.RavenD B.RavenDBEventStore' from assembly 'Ncqrs.Eventing.Storage.RavenD B, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' does not have an implementation. I'm trying to wire my command service up using the WCF facility. here
Posted over 13 years ago by [email protected] (Anton Dimkov)
Say I have an aggregate (A) that has references to another an aggregate (B). The command to create this aggregate (A) would contain Id to other aggregate (B). How can I access from (A) into (B) aggregate if event (AggregateACreated) contains Id of other aggregate (B).
Posted over 13 years ago by [email protected] (Henrik Olsson)
I have a command, MakeBookingCommand, that inherits from CommandBase. When I construct a MakeBookingCommand in my web app, the CommandIdentifier is set automatically to a Guid. But when I send the command over the wire to my WCF service, only my ... [More] own MakeBookingCommand properties make it. CommandIdentifier is lost (reset to 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000 000000). [Less]
Posted over 13 years ago by [email protected] (Steve B)
Hello, Is it possible, and correct, to get return value from the execution of a command ? Imagine, I have a web application that creates a new customer. The user type in a web form some basic information, and is redirected to the customer page just created. In code, it should be something like :
Posted over 13 years ago by [email protected] (Galen)
Hello, I have recently wired NCQRS up successfully to NSB. It has been a mission. There are so many conflicting sets of examples and dated information that getting the right details has been difficult. Nevertheless it's up and I have commands + ... [More] event messages being fired and handled. My question is regarding the NSB EventMessage class and how should can [Less]
Posted over 13 years ago by [email protected] (Josh)
I am wanting to unit test my commands and use AutoMappedCommandTestFixture to ensure that the commands map to the appropriate methods on my domain, however this only works on the commands that call the constructor, other commands result in an AggregateRootNotFoundException . I am probably just missing this, but
Posted over 13 years ago by [email protected] (Anton Dimkov)
I like to use NuGet package repository, but NCQRS in the repository pretty out of date. I belive it can be updated. Please, let us know when it can be updated. Thanks.
Posted over 13 years ago by [email protected] (qudoos)
I watched the simple twitter screen cast on the ncqrs site and coded it as well while watching it. I can add and list the tweets. To take it a step further I added a new event to be able to update the message of an existing tweet (sure probably not real world, just wanted to see how to add more events to the aggregate). I get the tweet object