Contributes to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware as djnz
Contributes to Drupal (contributions)
Contributes to Kohana Smarty module
and 2 other projectsContributes to vfsStream as Andrew Coulton
Contributes to Kohana v3
Contributes to Mimic (for PHP) as Andrew Coulton
and 1 other projectsContributes to phpLDAPadmin as Yehuda Deutsch
Contributes to The Bug Genie as Yehuda Deutsch
Contributes to Open-Knesset as Yehuda Deutsch
and 2 other projectsContributes to Kohana v3 as Jeremy Lindblom
Contributes to aws-sdk-for-php as Jeremy Lindblom
Contributes to AWS SDK for PHP as Jeremy Lindblom
Contributes to Kohana v3
Contributes to PHP API class
Contributes to jQuery Google Analytics plugin
Contributes to OBM
Contributes to LDAP Synchronization Connector (LSC)
Contributes to LemonLDAP::NG Web-SSO as tchemineau
and 5 other projects