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Analyzed 16 days ago. based on code collected almost 7 years ago.
Posted almost 16 years ago by [email protected] (Luís Pereira)
I met many programmers that just hate them. In some cases they don't even bother to take look at them. I take them seriously. They are indicators of possible bugs. Bugs that you only see at runtime.I always check them. If the compiler is right just ... [More] fix it. It it's an false positive, silent it. There are many techniques to silent false positive compiler warnings. Just pick the right one.When I compile someone else's program and see a lot of warnings, some questions always come to my mind: "Why didn't the programmer fixed this? Did he/she at least take a look? Did he/she take a look and didn't understood the problem? ... ".Today I fixed and silenced all GCC warnings I saw. [Less]
Posted almost 16 years ago by Luís Pereira
Posted almost 16 years ago by [email protected] (Luís Pereira)
Today KCheckGMail dropped the dependency on the KDE3 Support Library and on the Qt3Support Module.It was one of my short term goals for the KCheckGMail KDE4 branch. Done :)My next goal ? Keep listening.....
Posted almost 16 years ago by Luís Pereira
Posted almost 16 years ago by Luís Pereira
Posted almost 16 years ago by [email protected] (Luís Pereira)
My next goal on KCheckGMail's KDE4 branch is to drop the dependencie on the KDE3 Support Library and (of course) on the Qt3Support module. I want to clean all the KDE3/Qt3 "dependencies" before doing "real" development.I already started doing it. ... [More] Starting on this commit, the following commits, intend to achieve that goal. You will also see some refactoring commits, where it makes sense to make them. You shoud not see any behaviour change. If you see it, please test it, and then report it. [Less]
Posted almost 16 years ago by Luís Pereira
Posted almost 16 years ago by [email protected] (Luís Pereira)
The KDE4 branch is now on KCheckGMail's main repository. You can just download the latest kde4-port branch snapshot or clone the repository.The instructions for building it are the same. The git clone url in my previous post, is now different. The ... [More] first step is now:1.git clone git://git.debian.org/pkg-kde/kde-extras/kcheckgmail.git kcheckgmail-kde4 [Less]
Posted almost 16 years ago by [email protected] (Luís Pereira)
Today I published KCheckGMail's KDE4 port. It's on my public repository. You can just download the latest kde4-port branch snapshot or clone the repository.Getting and Building KCheckGMail (clone the repo)1.git clone ... [More] git://git.debian.org/users/lpereira-guest/kcheckgmail.git kcheckgmail-kde42.cd kcheckgmail-kde43.git checkout -b kde4-port origin/kde4-port4.mkdir build5.cd build6.cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=`kde4-config --prefix` -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=debugfull .. && make7.sudo make installIf you don't have sudo just type: su -c 'make install'If you don't want to clone the repository, just download the latest kde4-port branch snapshot. Then unpack it, enter the directory, and follow the steps above, starting on number 4.Your feedback is very welcome. Just write to luispereira @ users.sourceforge.net or post a comment. [Less]
Posted almost 16 years ago by Luís Pereira