Contributes to Hudson
Contributes to Apache Maven 2 as mfriedenhagen
Contributes to MojoHaus
and 14 other projectsContributes to Spring Framework
Contributes to PMD
Contributes to JBoss Drools
and 44 other projectsContributes to LiquiBase as Aaron Walker
Contributes to jBehave as Aaron Walker
Contributes to Cucumber as Aaron Walker
and 9 other projectsContributes to JBoss Tools as Vineet Reynolds
Contributes to Arquillian as Vineet Reynolds
Contributes to JBoss Forge
and 5 other projectsContributes to PicoContainer as paul
Contributes to Selenium
Contributes to Windows Authentication Framework
and 4 other projectsContributes to Privileged Accessor as sebidietrich