Contributes to MusicBrainz Picard
Contributes to banshee
Contributes to Gentoo Linux as coldwind
and 51 other projectsContributes to cURL as Gabriel Sjoberg
Contributes to libcurl as Gabriel Sjoberg
Contributes to jhannah's git-workshop as Gabriel Sjoberg
and 2 other projectsContributes to Wicket
Contributes to Groovy
Contributes to JLine
and 19 other projectsContributes to The Grinder
Contributes to Mockito as Philip Aston
Contributes to Clojure as Philip Aston
and 13 other projectsContributes to Woodstox as cowtowncoder
Contributes to JDBM as doomdark
Contributes to Jettison - Json Stax implementation
and 1 other projectsContributes to Handy Aspects
Contributes to RESTEasy as rmcdonough
Contributes to Git Commit Id Maven Plugin
and 2 other projectsContributes to JHOVE
Contributes to The Planets Digital Preservation Suite as carlwilson-bl
Contributes to SCAPE as carlwilson-bl
and 10 other projects