over 17 years
highbase beta-0.8 is out now
Highbase beta-0.8 is available in sourceforge right now. Go get it now, and please get back with bug reports so you'll help me get a release candidate out sooner. Highlights are fixes to get this running in Ubuntu (my new
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platform of choice), while mantaining compatibility with Fedora Core, and fixes to the Installation Guide (I'm eating my own dog food now, installing the cluster following the guide and not writing the guide after installing the cluster!). Happy clustering! [Less]
over 17 years
new site still under heavy work - beta-0.8 due nov 15
Hello all. I've created this new site for the project after the rename. Please bear with me as I get this up and running with all the documentation. This is what's comming: beta-0.8 with many
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improvements for running highbase (formerly mysql-ha) in ubuntu (and probably debian, please do let me know!)an updated and fixed Installation Guidea first draft of a guide to set up Heartbeat with MySQLAlso, in the mid term future, I intend to get a new branch of highbase running with Postgresql. Have fun, Fernando.- [Less]
over 17 years
mysql-ha is renamed due to a trademark issue with MySQL AB
The mysql-ha project has been renamed as highbase, due to a trademark issue with MySQL AB. Apparently, people could confuse this project with a legitimate product from the company, so in an
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attempt to clear matters up, I'd like to point out the following: I am in now way affiliated with MySQL ABMySQL AB is the owner of the MySQL trade mark. See this link for more informationThe former project mysql-ha (now called highbase) has, over the course of time, been supportedonly by: Fernando Ipar, Seriema Systems, and the ads displayed on this pageThe full list of people who has contributed to code to mysql-ha (now highbase) can be found at this pageMySQL AB is in no way responsible for the code included in highbase, or in previous releases of mysql-ha. Kind regards, Fernando.- [Less]