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Analyzed about 1 month ago. based on code collected about 1 month ago.
Posted over 4 years ago by Axel Roam
Is there a way to compile/run under Java 1.8 32-bit ? There are no 32 bit Linux JDK builds since 1.9 V0.24.7 is veery slow...
Posted over 4 years ago by Axel Roam
Is there a way to compile/run under Java 1.8 32-bit ? Threre are no 32 bit Linux JDK builds since 1.9
Posted over 4 years ago by Axel Roam
Is there a way to compile/run under Java 1.8 32-bit ? Threre is no 32 bit Linux JDK builds since 1.9
Posted over 4 years ago by Axel Roam
Is there a way to compile/run under Java 1.8 32-bit ? Threre is no 32 bit Linux builds since 1.9
Posted over 4 years ago by Davide Bucci
Hi Alessandro, great move! Indeed, compiling from sources is an easy task. Cheers, D.
Posted over 4 years ago by Alessandro Morgantini
Unfortunately I had no luck disabling Gatekeeper. Anyway I cloned the repo from GitHub, compiled and ran (make && make run) and it worked like a charm! Best Regards, Alessandro
Posted over 4 years ago by Davide Bucci
Hi Alessandro, it seems that it is a misleading message from new operating systems. I tried to download the file (from GitHub) and it works fine on my computer (High Sierra). Here is an article describing what happens, but you can find others: https://macreports.com/app-is-damaged-and-cant-be-opened-you-should-move-it-to-the-trash-fix/ Cheers, D.
Posted over 4 years ago by Alessandro Morgantini
Hello, and many thanks for your amazing project! I'm not able to launch FidoCadJ 0.24.8 (just downloaded) on macOS 10.15 (Catalina). When I launch the app I obtain the following message: Usually I save an exception for a specific app by "CTRL+click" -> "Open" on it and then "Open" again, but this does not work in this case. Any ideas?
Posted over 4 years ago by Davide Bucci
Ciao Loris, hai impostato correttamente la directory in cui FidoCadJ cerca le librerie? Si trova nella configurazione del programma, devi scegliere un posto comodo per te e metter lì dentro le librerie che ti interessano. Fammi sapere, D.
Posted over 4 years ago by Anonymous
Ciao Davide Non riesco a vedere in Fido tutte librerie che ho nella directory ho provato anche con aggiorna ma niente. Loris