Contributes to Eclipse IDE for Java as Stephane Bouchet
Contributes to Maven Plugins as le_phan
Contributes to Talend
and 30 other projectsContributes to Equinox
Contributes to Eclipse IDE for Java as rchaves
Contributes to EclipseGraphviz
and 3 other projectsContributes to Equinox
Contributes to Eclipse IDE for Java as bbokowski
Contributes to Eclipse Communication Framework as bbokowski
and 4 other projectsContributes to Apache ActiveMQ
Contributes to Apache Maven 2
Contributes to CXF
and 38 other projectsContributes to Graphical Editing Framework (GEF) as fsteeg
Contributes to EGit
Contributes to zestvisualization
and 17 other projectsContributes to ArgoUML
Contributes to Geneapro
Contributes to tesseract-ocr
and 12 other projectsContributes to AndroMDA as freter
Contributes to FindBugs
Contributes to openArchitectureWare
and 4 other projectsContributes to EMF
Contributes to openArchitectureWare
Contributes to Eclipse Modeling Workflow Engine
and 5 other projects