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Posted over 15 years ago by [email protected] (Matthias Bady)
While Torsten and me have a lot do with work and study, Matt added two nice postprocessing shaders for Bloom and High Dynamic Range. You can find two shots of them in the screenshot section. For enabling them simply open the ~/.dangerdeep/config file ... [More] and set the correspondig values to "1".But be aware! You cannot enable the both shaders together.Furthermore, Luis finished the rendering stage for the new valves screen. When he's done with composing all the stages we'll add the screen as soon as possible. (0 comments) [Less]
Posted over 15 years ago by [email protected] (Matthias Bady)
While Torsten and me have a lot do with work and study, Matt added two nice postprocessing shaders for Bloom and High Dynamic Range. You can find two shots of them in the screenshot section. For enabling them simply open the ~/.dangerdeep/config file ... [More] and set the correspondig values to "1".But be aware! You cannot enable the both shaders together.Furthermore, Luis finished the rendering stage for the new valves screen. When he's done with composing all the stages we'll add the screen as soon as possible. (0 comments) [Less]
Posted almost 16 years ago by [email protected] (Matthias Bady)
At the moment we work on some different parts in DftD. While Tj has reworked the torpedo code to support all the pattern torpedos like the "Zaunkönig", Luis is rendering a lot of textures for the new valves station. There you will be able to control ... [More] the flooding of the ballast tanks to have a heavily realistic simulation of the submerge process. Because it takes some days to render just one of these textures(and some months to model and texture mapping them) this will be finished not before May or June but the code to handle the buoyancy is already implemented. Myself is working on the terrain rendering. While Tj implemented the really impressive geoclipmap render some time before, it now uses the raster data from the ETOPO1 project to have mostly realistic landscapes and bathymetry in DftD. The next steps on the terrain will be extra detail from multifractal noise as the ETOPO1 dataset has only a resolution of one arcminute and some sub-detail added by normal mapping. If you want to see the terrain in action, just get an actual SVN snapshot. It's not necessary to download the terrain dataset as DftD will produce a zero-height landscape(with some noise) if the terrain files are not in place. And never forget: O dangerdeep rula :) (0 comments) [Less]
Posted almost 16 years ago by [email protected] (Matthias Bady)
At the moment we work on some different parts in DftD. While Tj has reworked the torpedo code to support all the pattern torpedos like the "Zaunkönig", Luis is rendering a lot of textures for the new valves station. There you will be able to control ... [More] the flooding of the ballast tanks to have a heavily realistic simulation of the submerge process. Because it takes some days to render just one of these textures(and some months to model and texture mapping them) this will be finished not before May or June but the code to handle the buoyancy is already implemented. Myself is working on the terrain rendering. While Tj implemented the really impressive geoclipmap render some time before, it now uses the raster data from the ETOPO1 project to have mostly realistic landscapes and bathymetry in DftD. The next steps on the terrain will be extra detail from multifractal noise as the ETOPO1 dataset has only a resolution of one arcminute and some sub-detail added by normal mapping. If you want to see the terrain in action, just get an actual SVN snapshot. It's not necessary to download the terrain dataset as DftD will produce a zero-height landscape(with some noise) if the terrain files are not in place. And never forget: O dangerdeep rula :) (0 comments) [Less]
Posted over 16 years ago by [email protected] (Thorsten Jordan)
Hello world,the project just has completed its transition to subversion (SVN) code repository, making CVS obsolete. Time for the future and to surpass CVS' limitations. Use SVN browse / trunk now to see the recent version. (0 comments)
Posted over 16 years ago by [email protected] (Thorsten Jordan)
Hello world,the project just has completed its transition to subversion (SVN) code repository, making CVS obsolete. Time for the future and to surpass CVS' limitations. Use SVN browse / trunk now to see the recent version. (0 comments)
Posted over 17 years ago by [email protected] (Thorsten Jordan)
The project is still alive and development is going on. It is slow, because we are so few active members only. Stay tuned...new features to be expect:- realistic physics- better terrain- player guy and flottila choser (0 comments)
Posted over 17 years ago by [email protected] (Thorsten Jordan)
The project is still alive and development is going on. It is slow, because we are so few active members only. Stay tuned...new features to be expect:- realistic physics- better terrain- player guy and flottila choser (0 comments)
Posted over 17 years ago by [email protected] (Thorsten Jordan)
Here are the release notes.Danger from the Deep, an Open Source World War II german uboatsimulation, striving for technical and historical accuracy, is now inits 0.3 incarnation. This latest version features a considerable amountof new features as ... [More] well as tons of bug fixes. Amongst the new features,Dangerdeep now appears in full OpenGL2.0/GLSL1.1 goodness. All shaderswere replaced by GLSL shaders. There are now 4 new uboat types, the typeIIA, IIB, IIC, IID, with different skins. A new "Captain's cabin"screen, a new ship's log screen. A new Tribal class destroyer, with 5skins. All models are now ready for in-game transformations. There arenow per-pixel reflections. The text and fonts are now correct, withumlauts and special characters displayed correctly. The night sky wasimproved, the periscope view now has a water splash/blur effect. Theocean shaders were improved, torpedos now have rotatingpropellers. Almost all models are now set for in-game transformations(rotating turrents, elevating guns, etc...). Hall of fame worksnow. Code is now multithreaded, a new sound system was added inpreparation of a new series of sound effects. Improved torpedomanagement screen, for specific uboats. Added a preliminary"torpedo-cam". Distance haze was improved, water now uses geo clipmaps,new water splashes on impact. VBO and FBOs are now used, and much more,as well as tons of bugfixes. For a detailed list of changes, pleasecheck the Changelog. Note that you need at least OpenGL 1.5 capablegraphics, with OpenGL 2.0 the minimum for the high quality graphicsmode. Visit the project webpage, at http://dangerdeep.sourceforge.netor our forums at http://www.dangerdeep.net for more information and alist of binary packages and sources. (0 comments) [Less]
Posted over 17 years ago by [email protected] (Thorsten Jordan)
Here are the release notes.Danger from the Deep, an Open Source World War II german uboatsimulation, striving for technical and historical accuracy, is now inits 0.3 incarnation. This latest version features a considerable amountof new features as ... [More] well as tons of bug fixes. Amongst the new features,Dangerdeep now appears in full OpenGL2.0/GLSL1.1 goodness. All shaderswere replaced by GLSL shaders. There are now 4 new uboat types, the typeIIA, IIB, IIC, IID, with different skins. A new "Captain's cabin"screen, a new ship's log screen. A new Tribal class destroyer, with 5skins. All models are now ready for in-game transformations. There arenow per-pixel reflections. The text and fonts are now correct, withumlauts and special characters displayed correctly. The night sky wasimproved, the periscope view now has a water splash/blur effect. Theocean shaders were improved, torpedos now have rotatingpropellers. Almost all models are now set for in-game transformations(rotating turrents, elevating guns, etc...). Hall of fame worksnow. Code is now multithreaded, a new sound system was added inpreparation of a new series of sound effects. Improved torpedomanagement screen, for specific uboats. Added a preliminary"torpedo-cam". Distance haze was improved, water now uses geo clipmaps,new water splashes on impact. VBO and FBOs are now used, and much more,as well as tons of bugfixes. For a detailed list of changes, pleasecheck the Changelog. Note that you need at least OpenGL 1.5 capablegraphics, with OpenGL 2.0 the minimum for the high quality graphicsmode. Visit the project webpage, at http://dangerdeep.sourceforge.netor our forums at http://www.dangerdeep.net for more information and alist of binary packages and sources. (0 comments) [Less]