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Analyzed 4 months ago. based on code collected 4 months ago.
Posted almost 17 years ago by [email protected] (everfriend)
I submitted application for ADC last week, and received both web page confirmation and email confirmation from [email protected]. Today, I resubmitted my application (due to bug-fixing and document update), but I did not receive email confirmation from android- [email protected] (4 hrs after resubmission).
Posted almost 17 years ago by [email protected] (Raja Nagendra Kumar)
Hi, Would it be possible to do a application walk through of our submission with andorid judge team.. so that if there are any gaps and issues in what is submitted is addressed in a right way and helps the judges to understand the concept at more clarity. If yes, could you pl. let me know the way to reach the judging team.
Posted almost 17 years ago by [email protected] (jtaylor)
I'm not submitting. First of all I got sick (temporarily), which really takes away concentration. Since I'm recovering, I thought I could push through and win the first round. However, if I did that it would still be a half-finished app. Then it wouldn't have any chance of winning one of the grand prizes. This Idea deserves the Grand Prize
Posted almost 17 years ago by [email protected] (missinggolfer)
I have a couple of questions about our submission. Our application uses gtalk to send data between two phones. Will the judges be able to send to another judge or at least run two emulators? Also, will the judges be informed on the problems of that SDK? For example the jid exchange of gtalk is not predictable on the emulator.
Posted almost 17 years ago by [email protected] (Heiko)
Hello Dan (and all the rest), my application sends and receives SMS. For correct documentation, I'd like to know if judges will use the emulator console as well. If so, writing something like "From the emulator control window, send <MESSAGE>..." should be enough, but if not, what would be the best way
Posted almost 17 years ago by [email protected] (Cybercity)
Hello, My application makes use of a custom mock GPS provider, since the built-in mock GPS provider with locations in San Francisco are not suitable. How can I submit these extra files (a properties and a kml file) in addition to the readme file? The submission form only allows to upload the readme file and the .apk file.
Posted almost 17 years ago by [email protected] (Richard)
Hi, we've been working for 3 months on our Android idea and have submitted it today to ensure it gets in before the deadline. We have some videos of it online if you're interested; You Tube [link] Vimeo (better quality) [link] Rick
Posted almost 17 years ago by [email protected] (WildLuka)
Dear All, I should be grateful if you could tell me where to get the GTalkSettings app running on Android. There is an implementation of Dialog ProgressDialog alerts I'd like to have a look at. Thanks in advance for your help. Luka
Posted almost 17 years ago by [email protected] (fernan.do)
Hi Everyone, I am trying to test my database CRUD methods. To do so I need to create a Context since Android's openDatabase and so on are invoked from the Context class. I was sure that one way to do so was to create a MockContext() and use that to invoke the mehtods. This is not working, the following piece of code gives me an
Posted almost 17 years ago by [email protected] (Fabrizio Fazzino)
Hi, I apologize if this is not the correct list to report this. We have seen that in the M5 version of the Android Emulator the "trace" function activated by pressing F9 does not work. We have looked into the source files of the emulator and we found the error, this is just a typo: in file qemu/android_main.c