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Posted almost 17 years ago by [email protected] (r a f t)
hello, we had just submitted our application BabelFish. here is a video although not much readable due to scaling: [link] and from the submitted document what BabelFish is: BabelFish is a translated voice and text IM (Instant Messaging) service. It enables translated conversations among two or more
Posted almost 17 years ago by [email protected] (Vishal)
Need help in submission process, my ADC entry package size is 80 MB and thus limited by some restriction on your server therefore not able to submit it so far, but I am confident it is logical and quite different from typical applications. Please suggest how do we go about it. Vishal Katyal
Posted almost 17 years ago by [email protected]
Hi guys. I'm in the middle of having someone developing an app for me. Are there any developers or companies who can help me with the porting of the app onto android?? 'ppreciate it.
Posted almost 17 years ago by [email protected] (tomgibara)
...and another entry plops silently onto the virtual doormat of the Googleplex. Moseycode is an experimental new barcode system for handheld devices. It provides an interactive bridge between the physical and digital worlds. This is version 0.2.0, here are some handy links for the latest release:
Posted almost 17 years ago by [email protected] (vashek)
Hi, While uploading as a new submission we are encountering the following problem Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage Most likely causes: You are not connected to the Internet. The website is encountering problems. There might be a typing error in the address. Please let us know what could be the problem and when it will be
Posted almost 17 years ago by [email protected] (Heiko)
Hello, my application sends and receives SMS. For correct documentation, I'd like to know if judges will use the emulator console as well. If so, writing something like "From the emulator control window, send <MESSAGE>..." should be enough, but if not, what would be the best way to have judges simulating SMS interaction?
Posted almost 17 years ago by [email protected] (phalbmayer)
Today I submitted my personal web based wiki project Jiki to ADC. The project is hosted under [link] By now there is not very much more than the project itself but more is to come soon.
Posted almost 17 years ago by [email protected] (qvark)
Hello all, I'm having serious performance problems with my application. I need to apply several image processing algorithms and they are taking too long. The same algorithms take less than 20secs in a "normal" Sun JVM (Java 1.6.0) but more than 7 ... [More] minutes when executed inside the emulator (in the same machine)! And I think I'm not the only one facing this [Less]
Posted almost 17 years ago by [email protected] (Vishal)
Hi Dan, The complete package size is 80 MB, I have tried several times in last 12 hrs and unable to make any progress, every time a failure. It includes two zip files, - one consist of 4 pdf documents; and - second consist of a windows setup.exe(a self extracting installable) and three .apk files.
Posted almost 17 years ago by [email protected] (Sergey)
Our application provides access to one of google services as one of its components. Is it OK to use the Google logo on the button leading to this function? It is very logical to use it there, but we wanted to make sure we do not get disqualified for using it. Can somebody from google answer this?