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Posted over 11 years ago by Timothy Lethbridge
Hi Tiago,I notice the build just broke as a result of a failure ofcruise.umple.compiler.Uigu2GeneratorTestTimTimothy C. Lethbridge, PhD, P.Eng., I.S.P., CSDPProfessor of Software Engineering and Computer Science/ Professeur Titulaire de gᅵnie logiciel et d'informatiqueFacultᅵ de genie
Posted over 11 years ago by Timothy Lethbridge
Hi,Thanks so much to Geoffrey for fixing the glitches. As far as I knowthings are back to normal for both UmpleOnline and the grammar in the usermanual.But over the next while, please report *anything* unexpectedTimothy C. Lethbridge, PhD, P.Eng., I.S.P., CSDPProfessor of Software
Posted over 11 years ago by Timothy Lethbridge
Hi,I have patched UmpleOnline on the server, by reverting the umple.jar andumplesync.jar to the versions that were there from a little while ago.Any commit now, however, will break UmpleOnline again. So please refrainfrom committing Until Geoffrey can solve the problem with parsing diagram
Posted over 11 years ago by Timothy Lethbridge
Hi Geoffrey,Your new parser seems to have massively screwed up UmpleOnline.If you try to draw or edit a diagram the generated layout no longerparses! This wrecks UmpleOnline just on the day when students are workingfeverishly on an assignment.Please can you see a way to fix this?Tim
Posted over 11 years ago by Timothy Lethbridge
Hi,One major side-effect of your changes: The grammar is no longer beinggenerated at http://grammar.umple.org And similarly in all the manual pages.Hopefully this is an easy fix as this was a major piece of work to getthis very nice feature working originally. Please let me know and give
Posted over 11 years ago by Timothy Lethbridge
Hi all,For your information: Here's the commit comment of commit 3142Re-wrote the umple parser: advantages to new parser: weird grammar issuesshould be deminished whitespace no longer an issue in most cases faster,uses regex and multithreading to parse 15 seconds faster(on my machine),the
Posted over 11 years ago by redeyedmars
class BadSM{boolean someValue = false;sm{state1{entry / {someValue = true;}transition -> state2;exit / { }}state2{transition [!isGuarded()] -> state1;}}}is currently part of the malformedStateMachine test in the107_badStateMachineSyntaxEmptyBlock.ump file. I was wondering why the {
Posted over 11 years ago by kigunda
Hey guys.I just finished committing revision 3708, which contains an implementationof the unique keyword for Java and PHP (I'm planning on finishing up Rubymidweek). I've also made sure that any files referenced for the uniquekeyword are present, even for Ruby, so that others will be able to
Posted over 11 years ago by Timothy Lethbridge
Hi,We are now mirrored on essentially SourceForge athttp://sourceforge.net/projects/umple.mirror/ This is just a simple pointer to existing Umple locations to allow peoplesearching there to find us. There were already two projects on sourceforgethat use Umple, so people searching were finding
Posted over 11 years ago by Timothy Lethbridge
hi,I fixed the mod-rewrite rule that was messing up html pages (such as thosegenerated by javadoc), so javadoc generation from Umple is now workingagain.TimTimothy C. Lethbridge, PhD, P.Eng., I.S.P., CSDPProfessor of Software Engineering and Computer Science/ Professeur Titulaire de