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Posted about 11 years ago by Timothy Lethbridge
Hi, I am planning to do a release of Umple in the next few days. Does anyone have any major changes they would like to incorporate into this? If not, I might do the release this evening. It would incorporate all the work of UCOSP students this semester, plus various other elements. Before doing
Posted about 11 years ago by Timothy Lethbridge
Hi, I have fixed the build by 'ignoring' the test at: cruise.umple/test/cruise/umple/statemachine/implementation/StateMachineTest.java line 344 that Aliaa just added. I have no idea why this test was failing as a manual check showed it shouldn't have failed. I will leave it to her to investigate a
Posted about 11 years ago by Timothy Lethbridge
Hi, I just committed a patch from Aliaa, that worked fine on my machine, but has broken the build. Likely one of those pesky cases where it works on a Mac but not on Linux due to case sensitivity. Will look into it shortly. Tim Timothy C. Lethbridge, PhD, P.Eng., I.S.P., CSDP Professor of Softwar
Posted about 11 years ago by Timothy Lethbridge
Thanks Tianyuan Nice to see initiative! Tim Timothy C. Lethbridge, PhD, P.Eng., I.S.P., CSDP Professor of Software Engineering and Computer Science / Professeur Titulaire de gᅵnie logiciel et d'informatique Facultᅵ de genie / Faculty of Engineering University of Ottawa / Universitᅵ d'Ottaw
Posted about 11 years ago by Timothy Lethbridge
Hi, The build is broken (by me -- totally my fault). I will fix in an hour but I have to drive home first as I have to pick up my daughter. Tim Timothy C. Lethbridge, PhD, P.Eng., I.S.P., CSDP Professor of Software Engineering and Computer Science / Professeur Titulaire de gï¿œnie logiciel et d'i
Posted over 11 years ago by redeyedmars
I'm just curious, would the group be in favour of the following changes tothe grammar notationRuleNames now being always capitalized[[ruleName]] type rules would become just RuleName(enforcing capitals)[{premodifier}{tokenname}:{value}] would become{tokenname}{premodifier}{value} (tokennames
Posted over 11 years ago by mgarz042
Hi All,I am in the process of writing a paper that illustrates the process ofdetecting state machines in code. The technique produces an Umple statemachine as final output.In order to do this, I have followed this *methodology*:1.  Search the literature *to find the typical implementat
Posted over 11 years ago by Timothy Lethbridge
The build server seems to be running again.Timothy C. Lethbridge, PhD, P.Eng., I.S.P., CSDPProfessor of Software Engineering and Computer Science/ Professeur Titulaire de gᅵnie logiciel et d'informatiqueFacultᅵ de genie / Faculty of EngineeringUniversity of Ottawa / Universitᅵ d'Ottawa
Posted over 11 years ago by Timothy Lethbridge
Hi,The build server is down. THis happened a year ago and took me a long timeto figure out. Unfortunately today is a day of solid meetings so I willtry in gaps, but I don't know when it will be upTimothy C. Lethbridge, PhD, P.Eng., I.S.P., CSDPProfessor of Software Engineering and Computer
Posted over 11 years ago by Omar
Hi Tim and all members of Umple,I have met Victor ([email protected]) at CASCON, and he has experience withXtext. He also told me that Xtext earlier this year finally supported afeature to import the entire Java grammar. He also explained to me how toadd another DSL on top of Java.I believe