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Posted over 12 years ago
Después de varios meses de trabajo en la aplicación, ya se encuentra disponible públicamente la web del proyecto LibrePlan Audiovisual www.libreplan.com/es/audiovisual Se trata de una sección dentro de la web principal de LibrePlan, que ha sido el ... [More] punto de partida de esta adaptación orientada a resolver las problemáticas identificados en empresas del sector audiovisual de Galicia. Concretamente en el ámbito de la elaboración y seguimiento presupuestario de los proyectos audiovisuales. Se identificó la necesidad de disponer de una herramienta que permitiese estandarizar la creación de presupuestos de una forma colaborativa, y que facilitase el control de los desvíos en tiempo y coste  sobre el presupuesto inicial que se producen en la elaboración de productos audiovisuales, solucionando problemas derivados del uso de otras herramientas no específicas. El proyecto ha sido desarrollado por Igalia y Wireless Galicia con la colaboración del Clúster audiovisual de Galicia (CLAG), y financiado con fondos públicos. Entre sus características principales se encuentran las siguentes: Sistema de plantillas de presupuesto y modelo ICAA Crea nuevos presupuestos a partir de modelos de plantillas configurables en los que organizar los elementos y subelementos en los que se estructurarán, siendo posible partir del modelo precargado de presupuesto ICAA.  Plan de previsión de ejecución de presupuesto Realiza la previsión temporal del gasto de los items del presupuesto, y compárala con los gastos reales que se producen durante la ejecución del proyecto para realizar los ajustes necesarios. Administración avanzada de previsiones y costes Distribuye de forma manual las previsiones de gasto en el intervalo del proyecto con el nivel de granularidad temporal que se desee. Perspectiva de progreso de rodaje Contrasta las productividades en el proceso de elaboración del producto multimedia desarrollado, en función de diferentes tipos de unidades (escenas, minutos o páginas de guión), y realiza los ajustes necesarios para cumplir los plazos objetivo.   Informes de planificación, de gastos y plan de pagos Genera informes imprimibles y descargables en los que se muestra la información del estado de ejecución del proyecto. También puedes, planificar los pagos de los gastos reportados de forma inmediata, con un margen fijo de días o manualmente, a nivel de proyecto o por tarea. Se puede consultar información más detallada sobre las caracterísiticas del proyecto en: http://www.libreplan.com/es/audiovisual/caracteristicas-especiales/  Al igual que el proyecto LibrePlan sobre el que está desarrollada esta solución, LibrePlan Audiovisual es Software Libre con licencia AGPL, y puede ser descargado y utilizado libremente. Del mismo modo, todos los servicios ofrecidos en la web de LibrePlan relativos a su uso en la nube, formación, personalización o soporte, también se encuentran disponibles para LibrePlan Audiovisual. Mi agradecimiento a todos los que hemos hecho posible la existencia de esta herramienta y espero que pueda resultar de utilidad a todas aquellas organizaciones o empresas interesadas en mejorar la planificación, seguimiento y control de sus presupuestos.   [Less]
Posted over 12 years ago
Después de varios meses de trabajo en la aplicación, ya se encuentra disponible públicamente la web del proyecto LibrePlan Audiovisual www.libreplan.com/es/audiovisual Se trata de una sección dentro de la web principal de LibrePlan, que ha sido el ... [More] punto de partida de esta adaptación orientada a resolver las problemáticas identificados en empresas del sector audiovisual de Galicia. Concretamente en el ámbito de la elaboración y seguimiento presupuestario de los proyectos audiovisuales. Se identificó la necesidad de disponer de una herramienta que permitiese estandarizar la creación de presupuestos de una forma colaborativa, y que facilitase el control de los desvíos en tiempo y coste  sobre el presupuesto inicial que se producen en la elaboración de productos audiovisuales, solucionando problemas derivados del uso de otras herramientas no específicas. El proyecto ha sido desarrollado por Igalia y Wireless Galicia con la colaboración del Clúster audiovisual de Galicia (CLAG), y financiado con fondos públicos. Entre sus características principales se encuentran las siguentes: Sistema de plantillas de presupuesto y modelo ICAA Crea nuevos presupuestos a partir de modelos de plantillas configurables en los que organizar los elementos y subelementos en los que se estructurarán, siendo posible partir del modelo precargado de presupuesto ICAA.  Plan de previsión de ejecución de presupuesto Realiza la previsión temporal del gasto de los items del presupuesto, y compárala con los gastos reales que se producen durante la ejecución del proyecto para realizar los ajustes necesarios. Administración avanzada de previsiones y costes Distribuye de forma manual las previsiones de gasto en el intervalo del proyecto con el nivel de granularidad temporal que se desee. Perspectiva de progreso de rodaje Contrasta las productividades en el proceso de elaboración del producto multimedia desarrollado, en función de diferentes tipos de unidades (escenas, minutos o páginas de guión), y realiza los ajustes necesarios para cumplir los plazos objetivo.   Informes de planificación, de gastos y plan de pagos Genera informes imprimibles y descargables en los que se muestra la información del estado de ejecución del proyecto. También puedes, planificar los pagos de los gastos reportados de forma inmediata, con un margen fijo de días o manualmente, a nivel de proyecto o por tarea. Se puede consultar información más detallada sobre las caracterísiticas del proyecto en: http://www.libreplan.com/es/audiovisual/caracteristicas-especiales/  Al igual que el proyecto LibrePlan sobre el que está desarrollada esta solución, LibrePlan Audiovisual es Software Libre con licencia AGPL, y puede ser descargado y utilizado libremente. Del mismo modo, todos los servicios ofrecidos en la web de LibrePlan relativos a su uso en la nube, formación, personalización o soporte, también se encuentran disponibles para LibrePlan Audiovisual. Mi agradecimiento a todos los que hemos hecho posible la existencia de esta herramienta y espero que pueda resultar de utilidad a todas aquellas organizaciones o empresas interesadas en mejorar la planificación, seguimiento y control de sus presupuestos.   [Less]
Posted over 12 years ago
The event is held on November the 6th, at the CDTIC in Santiago de Compostela, Galicia, Spain
Posted over 12 years ago
On Friday, November the 2nd, I have been invited to teach a workshop about LibrePlan covering all the aspects of the project that are interesting for future professionals in computer science. Specifically, the session is organized by Juan José ... [More] Sánchez Penas as part of the subject Deseño de Sistemas de Información (System Information Design) which belongs to the master Mestrado de Enxeñería Informática (Master in Computer Science Engineering). The table of contents for the workshop will be the next one: A LibrePlan introduction. I will start explaining briefly the type of application which is LibrePlan, its mains features and strong points. A description of the LibrePlan architecture. I will explain the main architectural patterns used in the application, how they work and their rationale. A route through all quality attributes used in the project.  It will include a review of the different tests programmed for LibrePlan, the continuous integration practices set up in the project and the use of Sonar as quality platform to monitor the status of the project. How the project is organized. Finally, I will review all the tools and procedures used by the LibrePlan team members to evolve and take care of the project and its community. For the occasion I wrote some slides that I think that can useful for other people wanting to know more about the topics mentioned above. They are publicly available at SlideShare: LibrePlan introduction. (Slides shown at Libre Software World Conference 2012) LibrePlan architecture: An overview LibrePlan software quality attributes LibrePlan free software project organization   [Less]
Posted over 12 years ago
On Friday, November the 2nd, I have been invited to teach a workshop about LibrePlan covering all the aspects of the project that are interesting for future professionals in computer science. Specifically, the session is organized by Juan José ... [More] Sánchez Penas as part of the subject Deseño de Sistemas de Información (System Information Design) which belongs to the master Mestrado de Enxeñería Informática (Master in Computer Science Engineering). The table of contents for the workshop will be the next one: A LibrePlan introduction. I will start explaining briefly the type of application which is LibrePlan, its mains features and strong points. A description of the LibrePlan architecture. I will explain the main architectural patterns used in the application, how they work and their rationale. A route through all quality attributes used in the project.  It will include a review of the different tests programmed for LibrePlan, the continuous integration practices set up in the project and the use of Sonar as quality platform to monitor the status of the project. How the project is organized. Finally, I will review all the tools and procedures used by the LibrePlan team members to evolve and take care of the project and its community. For the occasion I wrote some slides that I think that can useful for other people wanting to know more about the topics mentioned above. They are publicly available at SlideShare: LibrePlan introduction. (Slides shown at Libre Software World Conference 2012) LibrePlan architecture: An overview LibrePlan software quality attributes LibrePlan free software project organization   [Less]
Posted over 12 years ago
Lately we‘ve been working in a new report in LibrePlan. The report is called Project Status Report and the first part of the report (related to hours) is already available in LibrePlan 1.3.1, however in the next version some additions over this ... [More] report will be included. The main goal of this report is to have a printable version of the project task tree (WBS) summarizing some important information regarding 2 aspects: Hours: For each task in a project it will show the 3 type of hours we have in LibrePlan: Estimated: The ones filled in the WBS tree. Planned: The allocated hours, they are configured in the task allocation. They can be the same or not than Estimated hours as you can change it while doing the planning. Imputed: The hours devoted to a task by the workers. Introduced in the timesheets (work reports). If the number of Imputed hours is bigger than Planned hours, then it’ll be shown an exclamation mark and the number will appear in red. Money cost: Apart from the hours information in the new version will be included information about the money cost: Budget: Estimated budget in the WBS. Hours cost: Cost calculated depending on resources cost categories and the Imputed hours. Expenses cost: Cost imputed via expenses sheets. Total cost: Addition of 2 previous costs (Hours + Expenses). It’ll also show a mark if it’s bigger than Budget. Project Status Report example Apart from the new columns, the new version will also allow to filter the report by labels and/or criteria and the project filter will be optional. This will return the information of all the tasks related with the labels and/or criteria in all your projects. We think that this is a nice addition in order that you analyze where are you having troubles, for example, comparing Project managers with Developers. Project Status Report filter by criterion "Project Manager" Project Status Report filter by criterion "Developer" We hope you enjoy the new report and the latest changes, we’ll be really glad to receive your feedback about it [Less]
Posted over 12 years ago
Lately we‘ve been working in a new report in LibrePlan. The report is called Project Status Report and the first part of the report (related to hours) is already available in LibrePlan 1.3.1, however in the next version some additions over this ... [More] report will be included. The main goal of this report is to have a printable version of the project task tree (WBS) summarizing some important information regarding 2 aspects: Hours: For each task in a project it will show the 3 type of hours we have in LibrePlan: Estimated: The ones filled in the WBS tree. Planned: The allocated hours, they are configured in the task allocation. They can be the same or not than Estimated hours as you can change it while doing the planning. Imputed: The hours devoted to a task by the workers. Introduced in the timesheets (work reports). If the number of Imputed hours is bigger than Planned hours, then it’ll be shown an exclamation mark and the number will appear in red. Money cost: Apart from the hours information in the new version will be included information about the money cost: Budget: Estimated budget in the WBS. Hours cost: Cost calculated depending on resources cost categories and the Imputed hours. Expenses cost: Cost imputed via expenses sheets. Total cost: Addition of 2 previous costs (Hours + Expenses). It’ll also show a mark if it’s bigger than Budget. Project Status Report example Apart from the new columns, the new version will also allow to filter the report by labels and/or criteria and the project filter will be optional. This will return the information of all the tasks related with the labels and/or criteria in all your projects. We think that this is a nice addition in order that you analyze where are you having troubles, for example, comparing Project managers with Developers. Project Status Report filter by criterion "Project Manager" Project Status Report filter by criterion "Developer" We hope you enjoy the new report and the latest changes, we’ll be really glad to receive your feedback about it ;-) Comments On 12/12/13 19:21, Tony wrote: An effective project manager spends 95% of their time communicating. Status reports are a great vehicle to help with communication to large teams and more importantly in keeping the teams aligned. ProficientPM is a good source of information [Less]
Posted over 12 years ago
Lately we‘ve been working in a new report in LibrePlan. The report is called Project Status Report and the first part of the report (related to hours) is already available in LibrePlan 1.3.1, however in the next version some additions over this ... [More] report will be included. The main goal of this report is to have a printable version of the project task tree (WBS) summarizing some important information regarding 2 aspects: Hours: For each task in a project it will show the 3 type of hours we have in LibrePlan: Estimated: The ones filled in the WBS tree. Planned: The allocated hours, they are configured in the task allocation. They can be the same or not than Estimated hours as you can change it while doing the planning. Imputed: The hours devoted to a task by the workers. Introduced in the timesheets (work reports). If the number of Imputed hours is bigger than Planned hours, then it’ll be shown an exclamation mark and the number will appear in red. Money cost: Apart from the hours information in the new version will be included information about the money cost: Budget: Estimated budget in the WBS. Hours cost: Cost calculated depending on resources cost categories and the Imputed hours. Expenses cost: Cost imputed via expenses sheets. Total cost: Addition of 2 previous costs (Hours + Expenses). It’ll also show a mark if it’s bigger than Budget. Project Status Report example Apart from the new columns, the new version will also allow to filter the report by labels and/or criteria and the project filter will be optional. This will return the information of all the tasks related with the labels and/or criteria in all your projects. We think that this is a nice addition in order that you analyze where are you having troubles, for example, comparing Project managers with Developers. Project Status Report filter by criterion "Project Manager" Project Status Report filter by criterion "Developer" We hope you enjoy the new report and the latest changes, we’ll be really glad to receive your feedback about it ;-) Comments On 12/12/13 19:21, Tony wrote: An effective project manager spends 95% of their time communicating. Status reports are a great vehicle to help with communication to large teams and more importantly in keeping the teams aligned. ProficientPM is a good source of information [Less]
Posted over 12 years ago
Dutch LibrePlan community manager, Jeroen Baten, will deliver a talk presenting the project at the...
Posted over 12 years ago
TweetMiciele has been very bussy with our LibrePlan-Jira connector and we are currently finalizing  our work into a patch. My guess is that we will send in our patch today or tomorrow. So it’s time to show you all the … Continue reading → The post We are almost done! appeared first on Jeroen Baten.