almost 15 years
I been talking about Navalplan at III Asolif companies summit where free software companies from Spain meet to create new business opportunities, to collaborate in projects or to do some networking. There, we have found some companies that saw this
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project as an interesting project and they are going to try it out. You could do the same !!!
NavalPlan is an application boosted by “Fundación para o Fomento da Calidade Industrial e o Desenvolvemento Tecnolóxico de Galicia” to improve the production management of the companies from galician naval auxiliary sector. However, it is very useful for other companies that plan their companies based on projects, being able to plan, follow their projects and control employee hours assigned to projects.
© Xavier Castaño for My blog at Igalia, 2010. |
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almost 15 years
I been talking about Navalplan at III Asolif companies summit where free software companies from Spain meet to create new business opportunities, to collaborate in projects or to do some networking. There, we have found some companies that saw this
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project as an interesting project and they are going to try it out. You could do the same :)!!!
NavalPlan is an application boosted by “Fundación para o Fomento da Calidade Industrial e o Desenvolvemento Tecnolóxico de Galicia” to improve the production management of the companies from galician naval auxiliary sector. However, it is very useful for other companies that plan their companies based on projects, being able to plan, follow their projects and control employee hours assigned to projects. [Less]
almost 15 years
Yes!, we have name “Navalplan” and we have new website “”.
This is going to be the site where we will publish main project resources. At this moment, we explain what is the project about, publish a link to online demo and
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information about where the source code can be downloaded.
We are still in development phase so during next weeks we will publish more information and resources (like deb packages, user documents, etc). [Less]
almost 15 years
Yes!, we have name “Navalplan” and we have new website “”.
This is going to be the site where we will publish main project resources. At this moment, we explain what is the project about, publish a link to online demo and
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information about where the source code can be downloaded.
We are still in development phase so during next weeks we will publish more information and resources (like deb packages, user documents, etc).
© Xavier Castaño for My blog at Igalia, 2010. |
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about 15 years
Today I was talking in “Free Software World Conference” in Caceres about a project Igalia is developing for Xunta de Galicia and naval companies. We don’t have name for it, I think we will have one at the end of December. However, we have some
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public resources:
Git temp repository:
Last deployment: User: admin/admin.
This project is licensed as AGPL. You can test it and if you have any comments they will be welcome. [Less]
about 15 years
Today I was talking in “Free Software World Conference” in Caceres about a project Igalia is developing for Xunta de Galicia and naval companies. We don’t have name for it, I think we will have one at the end of December. However, we have some
... [More]
public resources:
Git temp repository:
Last deployment: User: admin/admin.
This project is licensed as AGPL. You can test it and if you have any comments they will be welcome.
© Xavier Castaño for My blog at Igalia, 2009. |
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