Contributes to zsh as Jim
Contributes to PHP as jimjag
Contributes to Apache OpenOffice as jim
and 43 other projectsContributes to Wine
Contributes to Linux Kernel
Contributes to GNOME
and 43 other projectsContributes to Git
Contributes to MIFOS as meonkeys
Contributes to Symfony
and 5 other projectsContributes to Django
Contributes to FreeNAS
Contributes to GNOME
and 41 other projectsContributes to Jetty: Java based HTTP/1.x, HTTP/2, Servlet, WebSocket Server
Contributes to AppFuse as olivier lamy
Contributes to Hudson
and 86 other projectsContributes to jQuery
Contributes to jQuery UI
Contributes to QUnit
and 2 other projectsContributes to Equinox as rchaves
Contributes to Eclipse IDE for Java as rchaves
Contributes to EclipseGraphviz
and 3 other projectsContributes to Spring Framework
Contributes to Acegi Security System for Spring as carlossg
Contributes to Apache Maven 2 as carlos
and 27 other projectsContributes to Apache Maven 2 as hboutemy
Contributes to M2Eclipse: Maven Integration for Eclipse
Contributes to MojoHaus
and 26 other projects