Unrestricted Forever
Caglow Open Astronomy Force
June 29, 2009
1. Author(s) - The original creator(s) of the content or object
in question.
2. Descendant(s) - Work created from the integration of the
3. Licensor(s) - The one (or many) who assigns this agreement.
4. Material(s) - The unmodified content or object licensed under
this agreement.
5. UF - This document, offcially titled “Unrestricted Forever v1”
for use elsewhere.
6. User(s) - Anyone who this agreement is bound to; everyone, if
Many licenses and agreements aim to restrict the rights of the
Licensee. The UF assurres permanent unrestricted rights to use
and redistribute the Material and Descendants. It promotes
transparency of content and action through its requirement of
continual rights for the duration of the Material's copyright. It
protects the Author and Licensor by applying the legal equivalent
of public domain giving no warranty to the Material or Licensee's
integrity while protecting the Licensee by granting unrestricted
actions with the Material.
Basic Rights
The User is granted a set of undenied rights for the duration of
the Licensor's copyright. This includes the right to unrestricted
use, the right to unrestricted copying, the right to modify or
edit, and the right to redistribute. These rights must not be
obscured and/or be made to appear elsewise by anyone not given
explicit and provable permission by the Licensor.
The User may modify the Material or Descendant at will.
Attribution to the Author or Licensor may or may not be kept. In
no way may be User making the modifications claim credit for any
of the Material beyond the changes themselves. The modified
Material, or Descendant, may not be attributed to purely as the
work of the Author or Licensor.
Descendants, when requested by another, must be given IN FULL to
the requester with this agreement included intact if possible. If
this is not possible, then a clear, true and reasonable statement
must be given. To fit the UF definition of “reasonable,” the
modifying User should not be required to go through excessive
effort (90% or more effort than required to make the
modifications) or additional expense which otherwise would not
exist. For example, the modifier optionally may reject such a
request if required to pay for additional paper and ink to
distribute a modified printed map. The Descendant then must abide
by the terms of redistribution (see below).
Redistribution refers to the unofficial distribution of the
Material or a Descendant, and the official distribution of a
Descendant. It also includes the distribution of a separate
product, as a whole, integrating the Material or a Descendant.
All redistributions must be licensed under and must include the
UF, this document in a conveniently accessible format. The
redistributor(s) may not claim sole credit for the Material or
ideas and content in the Descendant not created completely by
Redistributed copies must include the source or clearly state
where to obtain it royalty-free. The source is the format of
Descendant the changes were applied to. Other formats of the
Material and the Descendant may also be redistributed given the
corresponding source is also provided.
Acceptance of the UF is not required for using or copying the
Material. Because those rights are unrestricted in nature, there
is nothing that this document limits or requires. By modifying or
redistributing a copy of the Material or Descendant marked under
the UF, the User automatically accepts these terms.
Rights granted in the UF will only remain with the User provided
that these terms are not breached. If the User, after 288 hours
(12 days) of with knowledge of the breach has not made an attempt
to “correct” the breach while given the resources, all rights
granted will instantly be revoked. To “correct” a breach means
1. Apologize to the Licensor, Author and the general public for
the breach
2. Remove the offending content OR change to it to make it abide
3. Notify everyone affected by the correction
Once these rights are revoked, only the Licensor has the legal
ability to re-grant them to the User.
Neither the Author nor Licensor takes responsibility for actions
made by the User. The Material, freely distributed to the User,
is granted by the Licensor as-is and without warranty. Damages,
whether physical, mental, emotional or virtual, caused by the
Material are the responsibility of the User who caused them. It
is the duty of the User to determine whether or not the Material
is appropriate for use. Support for such damages provided by the
contributors to the Material or Descendant is voluntary and
should be considered, for legal purposes, third-party support.
The terms above do not apply if it can be proven that it is the
Author or Licensor's intent to cause such unwanted damages
without a legitimate reason. Such decisions may be settled with
legal action.
Future Versions
When a future version of the UF is made official, the User has
the option to use that version instead of this one. Newer revised
versions will be similar to this but will address on additional
problems of the time of writing nonexistent at the time of this
version. Each version of this license is numbered with the higher
numbers indicating newer versions. Older versions of the UF may
not be used.
Licensor Options
At any time for the duration of the copyright, the Licensor may
remove limitations for the claiming of credit for the Material in
part or as a whole. Explicit permission for the exception must be
given to that User for proof should it come into question later
legally. This right is revoked when the agreement is terminated
(see above). The Licensor also has the option to remove the
option of using future versions of this license.
Once in distribution, the Licensor may not revoke or add to the
rights granted in the UF besides those mentioned above. These
rights are to remain permanent for the copyright's duration
regardless of the Licensor's decisions as with placing the
Material into public domain.
This License (UF)
This license, the UF, is licensed under itself. None of the
licensor options above apply. Credit for this license may be
given to COAF, the Caglow Open Astronomy Force, focused on making
open, the celestial wonders of the sky.
Read more about this license at http://www.caglow.com/license
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