Agar is a modern open-source, cross-platform toolkit for graphical applications implemented in C, C++ and Ada (with bindings to other languages in development). Designed for ease of integration, it follows the philosophy of building the GUI around the application and not the other way around. Unlike
... [More] most other GUI toolkits, Agar takes maximum advantage of hardware graphics acceleration when it is available via OpenGL, but it also supports traditional framebuffer interfaces such as SDL direct video. [Less]
A self-contained and portable build system derived from the traditional 4.4BSD system. It implements Bourne configure script generation, concurrent building and it can compile IDE project files. It is portable to most operating systems and make flavors.
FreeSG ("Free" as in "Free software" and "Free of bloat") is an compact, general-purpose, open-source scene-graph library. It implements a generic, extensible object/scene representation, designed to simplify such tasks as real-time rendering and geometrical queries. One feature which distinguishes
... [More] FreeSG from the variety of scene-graph libraries available is its ability to solve systems of logical (geometrical) constraints such as angles and distances, in order to define the relationship between elements of a scene, in a powerful and unambiguous way. [Less]
Standalone mail classification/delivery daemon for multi-user Unix servers. Written in C, it embeds perl in order to use SpamAssassin efficiently. It implements a process manager with persistent spam checker processes running under users' own UIDs.
A parametric, feature-based, sketch-driven 3D CAD application, built around a geometrical constraint solving engine. Project is in early development stage. The FreeSG library ( is required.
A special-purpose 4.4BSD-based UNIX-like operating system, designed for machine control applications. Using low-cost hardware, FabBSD can be used to control a wide array of CNC milling machines, lathes, routers, process-control and automation equipment.
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