Dear Open Hub Users,
We’re excited to announce that we will be moving the Open Hub Forum to
Beginning immediately, users can head over,
get technical help and discuss issue pertinent to the Open Hub. Registered users can also subscribe to Open Hub announcements here.
On May 1, 2020, we will be freezing and users will not be able to create new discussions. If you have any questions and concerns, please email us at
[email protected]
Sorry about the noise. Could not find that message with search. Sourceforge support closed bug tracker and asked developers to fix issues themselves.
If it is not false positive, warning on front page makes developers think about the code they are using. Developers might fix licensing issues in order to get nicer front page. Could you just detect
LOC stats are not accurate, because SquirrelMail stores character set mapping tables in PHP. decode module, squirrelmail/functions/decode and squirrelmail/functions/encode might increase LOC totals