This tool could be used to measure test coverage of Java standard API. It's based on Mauve tests directory structure, but the tool itself is able to
work with other type of tests.
The purpose of this project is to test whether Java2D renderer used by OpenJDK
(Pisces at this moment) produces the same or nearly the same results as
renderer used by Oracle JDK. Images rendered by Oracle SDK are stored in
directory ./samples, test images are created in directory ./output.
This repository contains various tools for the Java Virtual Machine and Java bytecode:
- Simple JVM TI agents which were described in articles about
Java Virtual Machine internals (CZ):
This tool performs four things:
1) Check if all binaries and libraries stored in /usr/lib/jvm/java* are stripped
2) Check if corresponding debuginfo bin/lib exists for all binaries and libraries and if debuginfo vairants are NOT stripped
3) Check "nm" output of both files
4) Check if
... [More] debug-id file is correctly set for library or an executable (those files/links are usually stored in /usr/lib/debug directory) [Less]
This tool can be used for detection problematic runtime behavior of various Java applications and report them via ABRT (Automated Bug-Reporting Tool). Problems detection include: GC issues, file/network issues, catched and uncatched exceptions etc.
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