Tomas Forsman

Hallstahammar Municipality, Sweden


Ranked 778986 of 6613812.
KudoRank 1
Ranked 778986 of 6613812.
Kudos Received
KudoRank 4 Jesse Zhang
“Kudos, man!”
Kudos Given
KudoRank 7 meeuw
“For contributing to Foresight Linux, keep it up”
KudoRank 1 trixon
“Soon a Linux user again :)”
KudoRank 6 António Meireles
“For keeping up with FL, impossible without you”
KudoRank 1 Mark__T
“Great work so far on XFCE”
KudoRank 4 Jesse Zhang
“Here you go, start to learn more and more :)”