Reviews and Ratings


Nooku FW, next generation of PHP fw's  
written almost 15 years ago

When we started developing the 1.0 release of Ninjaboard back in August 2009, we decided it was the perfect opportunity to try the Nooku Framework and experience what it could do for us.

Looking back today I can say it was probably the best decision we made in 2009.

Not only is Ninjaboard 1.0 better than we ever imagined, with auto-skinning abilities, everything extendable, complete REST support, CSV exporting and more.
The codebase is also much more manageable. 0.5 got 20k lines of code, while 1.0 is 5k.

This helps us focus our resources, and spend less time fixing bugs, writing repeated code and more time on the things that made us fall in love with our industry to begin with.
Innovate, experiment and just have fun!

To me, Nooku FW enables me to go further simply because I get more time on my hands due to all the things it does for you automatically. You only code what Nooku FW isn't doing automatically, how cool is that?

Give Nooku FW a shot, the worst thing that could happen is that you finish your app before schedule ;)

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