The purpose of IOlib is to be an I/O library better, more modern and more complete than the standard Common Lisp library.
It contains:
* a socket library
* a DNS resolver
* an I/O multiplexer: at the moment the implemented notification methods are: select(2), epoll(4) and kqueue(2).
* a pathname library
The Common Foreign Function Interface, a portable foreign function interface for Common Lisp. The CFFI library is composed of a Lisp-implementation-specific backend in the CFFI-SYS package, and a portable frontend in the CFFI package.
The CFFI-SYS backend package defines a low-level interface to
... [More] the native FFI support in the Lisp implementation. It offers operators for allocating and dereferencing foreign memory, calling foreign functions, and loading shared libraries. The CFFI frontend provides a declarative interface for defining foreign functions, structures, typedefs, enumerated types, etc. It is implemented in portable ANSI CL making use of the low-level operators exported by CFFI-SYS. [Less]
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