JsQt is a tool to compile Qt Designer's .ui files to javascript code, which is targeted to work with the Qooxdoo framework. It is written in Python.
It is tested on Python 2.6, lxml-2.2.2 with the outputs of Qt Designer 4.4 and 4.5. 4.3 is reported not to work with JsQt.
Information on how
... [More] to get the sample code working could be found at the Tutorial page. Current status of how much of Qt can be compiled to Qooxdoo code can be seen at the Status page. The result of the compilation of the test screen with the latest trunk can be seen here.
The package is registered in the python package index. You can either download it from this site, or use easy_install jsqt command to download and install it.
For latest news, check the mail group, accessible here. For known issues, check the is [Less]
This is a simple, easily extendible rpc library that supports multiple protocols and provides several useful tools for creating, publishing and consuming online services in python.
This is a simple, easily extendible soap library that provides several useful tools for creating, publishing and consuming soap web services in python.
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