Olaf Lenz

Stuttgart, Germany


  Analyzed 12 months ago

43 Commits in mostly Tcl

Analyzed 12 months ago. based on code collected 12 months ago.
Maintainer and Developer Affiliated with Institute for Computation Physics, Stuttgart University

3606 Commits in mostly C

Analyzed about 1 year ago. based on code collected over 2 years ago.
P3M method, build system, test system

152 Commits in mostly C++

Analyzed 12 months ago. based on code collected 12 months ago.
Some improvements on handling of long package lists.

7 Commits in mostly Python

Analyzed 12 months ago. based on code collected 12 months ago.
Analyzed 12 months ago. based on code collected 12 months ago.
Analyzed about 1 year ago. based on code collected over 1 year ago.
Scientist / Software Engineer Affiliated with Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research

416 Commits in mostly C++

Analyzed 12 months ago. based on code collected 12 months ago.
The analysis for this contribution has been scheduled.
Analyzed 12 months ago. based on code collected 12 months ago.
Scientist / Software Engineer Affiliated with ICP, Stuttgart University

3 Commits in mostly Autoconf

Analyzed 12 months ago. based on code collected 12 months ago.
Developer Small contributions to the software, more on the infrastructure

14 Commits in mostly HTML

Analyzed 12 months ago. based on code collected 12 months ago.