Managed Projects

  Analyzed about 2 months ago

To ease typing 3Σ can also be called MUS3, it's a project to develop a 3D framework & a 3D modeler/animation tool for Étoilé.

10.5K lines of code

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almost 11 years since last commit

1 users on Open Hub

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Tags Étoilé


  Analyzed 14 days ago

Threadmill is no longer separately maintained. Modules are beging merge into AP3 project. Threadmill aims to build a high level GUI system to manage graph nodes with customizable front ends that allow wrapping any kind of node from real time generated unix cmdline output to Objective-C method calls.

3.59K lines of code

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almost 14 years since last commit

1 users on Open Hub

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  Analyzed 14 days ago

AP3 (I'd pronounce ape) is an AppKit inspired, Houdini wanna be, node-based, network-enabled and put-everything-in-threads Objective-C 3D engine, color-managed 2D raster compositor, real-time and off-line simulation and animation development framework, and it's still under currently one person's ... [More] "help me please!" heavy development, the main usage would be the engine for 3Σ, a full features 3D modeler/2D image editor being written for Étoilé. AP3 will be like AppKit + Gorm, just in 3D while 3Σ aims to be like a full feature multimedia editing application for workstations. In fewer words, it is being developed mainly to compete with Blender, PShops and other mainstream 3D applications. [Less]

14K lines of code

0 current contributors

almost 11 years since last commit

1 users on Open Hub

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