Managed Projects


  Analyzed 19 days ago

LADI Session Handler or simply ladish is a session management system for JACK applications on GNU/Linux. Its aim is to allow you to have many different audio programs running at once, to save their setup, close them down and then easily reload the setup at some other time. ladish doesn't deal with ... [More] any kind of audio or MIDI data itself; it just runs programs, deals with saving/loading (arbitrary) data and connects JACK ports together. It can also be used to move entire sessions between computers, or post sessions on the Internet for download. [Less]

81.9K lines of code

0 current contributors

9 months since last commit

7 users on Open Hub

Very Low Activity
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  Analyzed 18 days ago

LADI Tools is a set of tools aiming to achieve the goals of the LADI project to improve desktop integration and user workflow of Linux audio system based on JACK and LADISH. Those tools take advantage of the DBus interfaces of JACK2 and LADISH to ease the configuration and use of your software ... [More] studio. The following tools are included: * The laditools python module * ladi-system-tray : a system tray icon that allows you to start, stop and monitor JACK, as well as start some JACK related apps (log viewer, connections...) * wmladi : a controller as a Window Maker dockapp which uses a menu similar to ladi-system-tray's * ladi-system-log : a JACK, LADISH and a2jmidid log viewer * ladi-control-center : a GUI to setup JACK's and laditools' configuration * ladi-player: compact fron [Less]

13.1K lines of code

0 current contributors

over 1 year since last commit

3 users on Open Hub

Very Low Activity
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  Analyzed 18 days ago

The zyn project main goal is to extract synth engines from ZynAddSubFX and pack them in LV2 plugin format. Resulting plugins are heavily based on work made by Nasca Octavian Paul. If you like the amazing sounds these plugins generate you should thank Paul for this.

33.5K lines of code

0 current contributors

over 8 years since last commit

2 users on Open Hub

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  Analyzed 19 days ago

a2jmidid is daemon for exposing legacy ALSA sequencer applications in JACK MIDI system.

4.34K lines of code

0 current contributors

over 11 years since last commit

2 users on Open Hub

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  Analyzed 19 days ago

GMIDImonitor is GTK+ application that shows MIDI events.

3.5K lines of code

0 current contributors

almost 14 years since last commit

1 users on Open Hub

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  Analyzed 18 days ago

MediaDatabase is database to store filesystem metadata (directory structure) and/or audio tracks descriptions of offline media and frontends to database (WWW, GUI and CUI). It was developed to fight chaos of large compact disk collection but it can help track other removable media such as floppy disks and data DVDs.

12.4K lines of code

0 current contributors

about 20 years since last commit

1 users on Open Hub

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  Analyzed 18 days ago

Desktop switcher is a program to use native multiple desktops available for WinNT-like operating systems. Currently the desktops are accessed via keyboard shortcuts. Along with keyboard shortcut interface, there is simple GUI available.

1.18K lines of code

0 current contributors

over 21 years since last commit

0 users on Open Hub

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  Analyzed 18 days ago

IMAP client, written in Python, that moves messages according to predefined rules. Useful when server based rules are not available, by running the script periodically.

0 lines of code

0 current contributors

over 16 years since last commit

0 users on Open Hub

Activity Not Available
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Mostly written in language not available
Licenses: gpl