Pinapa is an open source SystemC front-end. It relies on GCC to parse the C++, and on the SystemC library itself to extract the architecture of the platform to analyze.
It is no longer actively developed, and is being deprecated in favor of PinaVM.
Framogr is a Framework fo the modeling of group protocol. It provides an execution model which allows the modeling of both the protocol and attacks on the protocol.
It is Free Software developped by the department of Computer Science and Automation, Indian Institute of Science (Bangalore, India), as part of a research project.
latexpand is a simple Perl script that expands \include, \input, \usepackage and \bibliography macros. The most common use of latexpand is to simplify distribution of source LaTeX files, typically to satisfy the requirement of editors and archival sites (springer,, ...) who force the
... [More] authors to submit sources. One does not necessarily want to submit sources with comments, and uploading a document made of several files including each other is a bit painful. By default, latexpand answers both problems by outputing a single LaTeX file that contain no comment. [Less]
TikZ Goodies is a small collection of packages to draw diagrams using PGF/TikZ in LaTeX. It currently contains:
* drawstack.sty to draw program execution stacks
* tikzlm.sty to draw Transaction-Level Model (TLM) platforms
* timing-diagrams.sty to draw timing diagrams.
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