The mission of the Arquillian project is to provide a simple test harness that developers can use to produce a broad range of integration tests for their Java applications (most likely enterprise applications). A test case may be executed within the container, deployed alongside the code under test
... [More], or by coordinating with the container, acting as a client to the deployed code.
To avoid introducing unnecessary complexity into the developer's build environment, Arquillian integrates transparently with familiar testing frameworks (e.g., JUnit 4, TestNG 5), allowing tests to be launched using existing IDE, Ant and Maven test plugins without any add-ons. [Less]
Shrinkwrap provides a simple API to assemble archives like JARs, WARs, and EARs in Java.
However useful, archives typically require the addition of a build step within the development lifecycle, either via a script or extra tool. The ShrinkWrap project provides a simple API to declaratively
... [More] assemble archives in code, optionally allowing for export into ZIP or Exploded File formats. This makes is very fast to prototype "virtual" archives from resources scattered about the classpath, the filesystem or remote URLs. [Less]
Awestruct is a framework for creating static HTML sites (i.e., a static website-baking tool). The goal of the software is to make this task trivially easy. It provides template-drive site creation, an extension pipeline and facilities for easily priming the site creation with additional non-page data.
Seam 3 is a collection of modules and developer tooling tailored for Java EE 6 application development, with CDI as the central piece.
Seam's mission is to provide a fully-integrated development platform for building rich, standards-based Internet applications tailored for traditional and cloud
... [More] deployments.
The modules leverage portable CDI extensions to build on the core Java EE functionality, providing many of the popular features and integrations from Seam 2 (security, internationalization, JSF, rules, BPM) while also exploring new integrations and designs.
Developer tooling is provided by JBoss Tools and JBoss Forge. [Less]
Asciidoctor is a Ruby gem that provides a pure-Ruby processor for turning AsciiDoc files or strings into HTML5 and other output formats.
Asciidoctor uses simple built-in ERB templates to style the output in a way that roughly matches the default HTML 5 and DocBook 4.5 output of the native
... [More] AsciiDoc Python processor. You can override this behavior by providing your own Tilt-compatible templates. [Less]
A modular, multi-repository site generator designed for creating documentation sites from content composed in AsciiDoc® and processed with Asciidoctor. Designed for tech writers who love writing in AsciiDoc.
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