Managed Projects

nsperl2 - Bridge AOLServer and perl

  Analyzed 13 days ago

nsperl2 is a loadable module for the AOLServer threaded web server to allow development in Perl. I'm very pleased to announce the first (alpha) release of nsperl2. It's an alpha release, so no promises as to its quality. There are *definately* memory leaks at the moment but my tests pass reliably ... [More] (on MacOS 10.5 and CentOS 4.5) so you should feel free to try it out if you feel so inclined. I try quite hard to deal with performance issues such as native variable and bytecode representations, so the ultimate performance once any gremlins are ironed out should be quite good.. [Less]

12.4K lines of code

0 current contributors

about 15 years since last commit

1 users on Open Hub

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HTTP::Server::Brick (Perl CPAN)

  Analyzed 13 days ago

HTTP::Server::Brick - Simple pure perl http server for prototyping "in the style of" Ruby's WEBrick HTTP::Server::Brick allows you to quickly wrap a prototype web server around some Perl code. The underlying server daemon is HTTP::Daemon and the performance should be fine for demo's, light internal systems, etc.

505 lines of code

0 current contributors

over 6 years since last commit

1 users on Open Hub

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HTTP::Daemon::SSL (Perl CPAN)

  Analyzed 13 days ago

HTTP::Daemon::SSL - a simple http server class with SSL support Instances of the HTTP::Daemon::SSL class are HTTP/1.1 servers that listen on a socket for incoming requests. The HTTP::Daemon::SSL is a sub-class of IO::Socket::SSL, so you can perform socket operations directly on it too.

275 lines of code

0 current contributors

about 15 years since last commit

1 users on Open Hub

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OpenACS Paypal Support package

  Analyzed 13 days ago

paypal-support provides a convenient way to handle paypal IPN (Instant Payment Notifications). IPN in a nutshell is paypal POSTing all the details of a transaction to a pre-agreed url on your server. To ensure it's validity, you then post that back to a PayPal url which either verifies or rejects ... [More] it. My code currently supports only buy now links, which are suitable for my purposes as I just want to charge a single calculated amount at a time. Your package would do the following: 1) Implement a tcl callback(s) that you want to run when Paypal has correctly notified you of a payment 2) Use the tcl API to generate the Buy Now link(s) (one of the arguments that you pass to the api is later used to determine which tcl callback to call) When Paypal sends it's notification, the package will v [Less]

308 lines of code

0 current contributors

over 19 years since last commit

1 users on Open Hub

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  Analyzed about 1 month ago

SkypeMenuX provides a System Extra menu for Skype. This menu allows you to: * View and change your Skype user status * Launch or Quit Skype * See which of your Skype buddies are online * Start a Voice call or Instant Message to one of your online Skype buddies * Have Skype and SkypeMenuX ... [More] launch at startup NB: Somewhat defunct as much of this functionality is now in Skype itself. (You know what they say about imitation ;) [Less]

4.29K lines of code

0 current contributors

about 19 years since last commit

1 users on Open Hub

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