What an excellent, excellent project! We were looking for a simple accounting solution that was Linux-friendly, open-source and web-based but, most importantly, accepted and understood (interface-wise) by the staff. We spent a few months evaluating and testing "big" ERP solutions (Openbravo, Adempiere and OpenERP) and deemed all unsuitable for various reasons: too complex for our straight-forward needs and therefore costly to implement, too broken code-wise in one instance, weird licenses for Openbravo and openerp-web, interfaces slow and not liked.
Then we stumbled on FrontAccounting - simple with clean and fast interface, GPL-licensed. A bit inflexible but still we didn't have to do too much coding to make it fit perfectly. In fact, I think we did less coding implementing FrontAccounting then we did just evaluating some other ERP solutions.
And another thing - the response from the user forums and bug tracker is absolutely great! Big thank you to the developers!
Also posting this review on sourceforge.