
  Analyzed about 1 year ago
Founder, lead procmap is designed to be a console/CLI utility to visualize the complete memory map of a Linux process, in effect, to visualize the memory mappings ... [More] of both the kernel and usermode Virtual Address Space (VAS). I have designed, implemented and maintain it.. [Less]

178 Commits in mostly shell script

Analyzed about 1 year ago. based on code collected about 1 year ago.
Lead dev Affiliated with kaiwanTECH

89 Commits in mostly C

Analyzed about 1 year ago. based on code collected about 1 year ago.
Founder / Lead SEALS - SImple Embedded ARM Linux System. Skeletal kernel and root filesystem for ARM Linux, run on QEMU

5 Commits in mostly shell script

Analyzed about 1 year ago. based on code collected about 1 year ago.
Affiliated with Designer Graphix

3 Commits in mostly C

Analyzed 4 months ago. based on code collected about 1 year ago.
The analysis for this contribution has been scheduled.
The analysis for this contribution has been scheduled.