Managed Projects

Ambien kernel extension

  Analyzed 18 days ago

Ambien is a kernel extension for Mac OS X to prevent the system from sleeping when the clamshell is closed. You may be curious at the name; those knowledgeable in pharmaceuticals might note that Ambien actually is for helping one sleep. The name was derived from the original anti-sleep kext ... [More] , "Insomnia"; Insomnia was unmaintained, closed-source, and would not allow the Mac to sleep even on requests from the Apple menu. Ambien, then, was written to resolve one's problems with Insomnia. (I know. The pun does kill.) [Less]

161 lines of code

0 current contributors

almost 15 years since last commit

1 users on Open Hub

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NetWatch system management mode monitor

  Analyzed 16 days ago

NetWatch is a System Management Mode (SMM) monitor for off-the-shelf x86 hardware, including a VNC server. The project was written for 15-412 class credit. NetWatch contains a 3c905 network driver ported from the Linux kernel, a framework for running code in system management mode, a keyboard ... [More] emulator, a VNC server, and countless other tidbits to make it all work together. The neat thing about NetWatch is that it works while the host operating system is running, even if the host doesn't have its network interface running. [Less]

79.8K lines of code

0 current contributors

over 15 years since last commit

0 users on Open Hub

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