
Provo, UT, USA


Dear Open Hub Users,

We’re excited to announce that we will be moving the Open Hub Forum to https://community.blackduck.com/s/black-duck-open-hub. Beginning immediately, users can head over, register, get technical help and discuss issue pertinent to the Open Hub. Registered users can also subscribe to Open Hub announcements here.

On May 1, 2020, we will be freezing https://www.openhub.net/forums and users will not be able to create new discussions. If you have any questions and concerns, please email us at [email protected]

Technical Issue Help : Migrating enlistment

Thanks Robin, for looking into this. I think we'll plow ahead with #1 for now. Unfortunately, the people doing the migration are different from the people who run the project, so fixing up the mess ... [More] seemed easier than re-coordinating a new migration (little did we know). Maybe we can leave the old CVS repository there, but delete all the source, thus at least returning our LOC to something approximating reality. In any case, we'll be happy to see the svn move issue fixed whenever it is. [Less]

over 17 years ago